Monday, January 18, 2016


Back to working on a few more Swashbucklers in anticipation of the immanent arrival of En Garde! (I just hope I can make a gang out of these lots for the game somehow!?)

I had previously mentioned I was painting the newly arrived swashbucklers in similar coloured clothes to easily identify to which band or gang they belonged. This latest batch is the complete grey/brown gang…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

All these figures are from Wargames Foundry.

Now to finish up the Green, Blue and Red gangs and then eagerly await the arrive of En Garde! (and hope they will all be useable gangs in the game!)

I got to thinking it might be fun to organize a campaign in the kingdom of Florin during the reign of Prince (and later King!) Humperdink… I would have to convert a figure to add a sixth figure for Count Rugen.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Swashbucklers…? Or more fantasy stuff for Dragon Rampant… 


  1. These look great - very business-like in their browns. And love the campaign idea!

    1. Thanks Preacher!

      Now to find a good Inigo Montoyo figure!

    2. I too await the arrival of these rules with anticippation, Tony

  2. Lovely work, Tim. These minis are a joy to paint, and you did that wonderfully :)

    1. Thanks RMacedo! As you say, Foundry figures are always a treat to paint.

  3. A Guilder and Florin campaign sounds great!
    What about a Fezzik and a Vizini? And a Dread Pirate Roberts/Man in Black...
    Miracle Max and his wife, Valerie? Brute squad? So much you could do! (whether it would fit into En Garde is a different question)

    1. I know, right!? I have no idea if En Garde would work for all that - but if it doesn't, I'm sure I could do something with Song of Blades and Heroes (or Flashing Steel or some such...).

  4. I remember playing the old game called En Garde! The version put out by GDW, I think. Your character could join one of the units of the army and rise through the ranks. It had charts to take you through various things you could do each month, such as duelling, gambling, carousing, going to war, etc.

    Apparently there was (is?) a card game also called En Garde.

    The Osprey skirmish game sounds interesting. I did buy Dragon Rampant during a recent rare visit to a "brick and mortar" gamestore.

    I also recently received a bunch of dwarf musketeer types through a kickstarter. It will probably be a while before I get some painted up, but I also have a bunch of old Foundry (and even GW) Renaissance-like (and Norse) dwarves that could fit in with them in a pinch. Maybe I will need to get some of the old Foundry Renaissance-type orcs as opponents...

    1. I've played a Reiner Knizia game called En Garde - it was a card-driven game of fencing. It was pretty fun.

      Looking forward to seeing those dwarves on Tales of Mirth! I have a few of the foundry Renaissance Dwarves (three, I think, plus one or two from Games Workshop - not sure if any of them have swords...? I think two have Halberds and the others may be unarmed, I'd have to look...).

  5. For Count Rugen, you'll need to break out the green stuff and add an extra finger to the right hand....

    1. ...and paint some scars across the cheeks of Inigo Montoyo.

  6. Nice work :) Looks like a fab idea - just ordered the rules myself!

    1. Thanks!

      My copy arrived on Friday and it is everything I'd hoped for (and more)!

      Hopefully I'll get to try it out in the next week or so!
