Sunday, January 29, 2017

262 Reserve Infantry Regiment

As promised a German regiment, all painted in one week- Whew! Well.. the infantry, at least. I will have mortars and machine-guns to add at some point. I’m not sure I can keep this pace up for too much longer! Luckily I don’t have too many more weeks like this planned.

This is the second regiment in the 79th Reserve Infantry Division. I have already completed one of the other regiments in the division: 261st Reserve Infantry Regiment.

All of the figures used in this regiment were homemade. I madolled the masters, made moulds, and cast them myself – and, of course, painted them! (at least all the infantry figures presented here – the Mortars and Machine guns I will add will be commercially produced minis).

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

262 Reserve Infantry Regiment – 79th Reserve Infantry Division.

262 Reserve Infantry Regiment Headquarters

I/262 Reserve Infantry Regiment

II/262 Reserve Infantry Regiment

III/262 Reserve Infantry Regiment

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Vimy Countdown and some other odd and assorted things… 


  1. Fantastic to see a unit that is entierly your own work.



    1. Thanks, Pete! Sometimes I wish I had more time to model and cast my own stuff... but I have so many miniatures to paint already... time spent modelling means less of those miniatures being painted.

  2. I love these (and your friend John's miniature Frenchman in your other post)!

  3. Great looking Germans good to see some field grau to go with all that khaki!
    Best Iain
