Friday, February 16, 2018

Eldar and Other Assorted Sci-Fi Goodies

Just a few last items I'm finishing up before the Shadow War Campaign Weekend begins this evening.  actually two of them were finished ages ago, I just didn't want to include them in posts about other stuff... I don't know..

Eight Eldar Guardians from Games Workshop - though all long out of print. Actually only seven of these are newly painted - the older guy in the back left, I painted him ages ago. I painted these up to be used as "recruits" in an Eldar Kill Team for Shadow War: Armageddon. They'll also see use as the core of an Eldar Guardian Squad in 40K - I just need to finish up the weapon platform to go with them (which I COULD have also used in SW:A... but it required assembly - these were already based and primed when I started them three days ago...)

Two little token I though we might make use of in the Shadow War campaign - on the left is a hatch that, I think, came with an old Grenadier Traveller miniature boxed set...? Marines...? or Adventurers...? I can't remember. Bought it in the 80s... had it sitting around primed since then and never bothered to paint it - realized it would be useful in The Raid scenario and got it done. The box on the right is from the Lead Adventure Miniatures Astropolis II Kickstarter - it's a "Tech Crate" I thought could be used as an "Archaeotech" token... I wish I'd gotten more of these done... alas...

This is figure Amanda is using for her character in the Rogue Trader campaign. The miniature is from   Hasslefree Miniatures.

Finally another GW mini - an old Valhallan Sergeant. An eBay seller I was buying some stuff from had him in their stock and he wasn't outrageously priced so I added him onto the order. I have a Valhallan squad and it only had nine... though I think it already has a sergeant... so.. maybe this guy will be the corporal...? If ever I was to build ANOTHER Astra Militarum force, it would TOTALLY be Valhallans...

Warlord Games currently has a "From Russia with Love" deal on - any napoleonic or WW2 Russian stuff is on sale 3 for the price of two. I briefly considered picking up THREE boxes of their Soviet Winter Infantry and finding some lasguns to convert them to Valhallans... but then I wised up and realized that would be daft - considering all the other stuff I have to paint at the moment...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

The Shadow War: Brind's World campaign kicks off this evening - expect a report of the ensuing action at some point... Could be Sunday... Could be Monday...? Maybe I'll post a few teaser pics tonight before I crawl into bed...?


  1. Very nice Tim! I particularly like the Eldar, although Amanda's blue skin is also very fetching.

    And when you say "IF", I'm fairly confident you mean "WHEN" for the Valhallans mate :-)

    1. Thanks Millsy!

      [shuffles feet, looks at floor embarrassedly]

      yeah... "WHEN"....

  2. Great looking Eldar, and we all know it's a when not if on the warlord games valhallans with aussie lasguns!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Ian.

      I'm a patient guy, I'll probably wait until a large lot of the originals shows up on eBay. They seem to turn up from time to time. That's how I got all my Tallarn. Hundred or so guys (including heavy weapons teams ) for a few hundred dollars. large enough to scare off casual buyers, but not a bad deal for someone looking for a new complete force...

      Converting the Warlord Games guys seems fun and all... but it also seems like a lot of work... Unless they're on some super crazy sale (like they are now) again in the future, I'm not usr how good of a deal it would be to buy them and then have to buy las guns at $1 each...? Maybe...

  3. Nice work as usual! I especially like the blue woman, but the Valhallan and Eldar are cool, too. And the hatch and tech crate are useful bits. I should make more bits along those lines (although, suitable for my genres) as objective markers for games like Pulp Alley.

    1. I need more little bits for objective markers. I get so focused on miniatures at times, I forget about little terrain details (though I do manage some large terrain bits from time to time!)


  4. Great work Tim. I love those old school Guardians...makes me pine for the time when the Eldar were mostly seen in the setting as pirates and adventurers...

    1. Thanks Greg! I did these up quick for the SW:A game - I plan on returning to them to individualize their helmets and the cloth hanging from some of them to make them look a little less uniform. Whether it's to make them look like less martial inclined citizen militia (like modern "guardians" seem to be) or mercenary/pirate types. I also liked the idea of them being pirates and adventurers (it seems that's become the Dark Eldar/Drukari thing in modern 40K...?).
