Friday, October 5, 2018

Heretic Astartes Kill Team

Another Kill Team ready for action - A band of Heretic Astartes and Chaos Cultists.

Kill Team Xanthaleng

Kill Team Xanthaleng (all models are from Games Workshop)

The team are worshippers of Slaanesh - These warriors exist to experience - and inflict - the most extreme physical and mental stimuli through the medium of spectacular violence. They are searching for an Arcane Prize - Despatched by their powerful master, this kill team must acquire and eldritch artefact for their master or die trying! They are also utterly insane - Whether guided by ineffable prophecy, or finally pushed past the final boundary of rational though, the deeds of tehi skill team seem like madness to their foes.

Xanthaleng, Aspiring Champion, flanked by his two specialists Arngbaal and Zothiras

Xanthaleng, Aspiring Champion - Leader Specialist - Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krack Grenades - 13 points. Xanthaleng is a True Believer; his faith in Slaanesh is unquestioning, his devotion absolute.

Arngbaal, Chaos Space Marines - Veteran Specialist - Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krack Grenades -12 Points. Arngbaal has been fighting for many lifetimes of mortals and has honed her skills to absolute perfection.

Zothirag, Chaos Space Marines - Demolitions Specialist - Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krack Grenades -12 points. Zoithirag is deranged; giggling and singing dark daemonic rhymes, he appears utterly insane.

Frexxor the Bold, Chaos Cultist Leader - Shotgun - 5 points

Chazmaz, Chaos Cultist Gunner - Heavy Specialist - Heavy Stubber - 5 points. Chazmaz is an unstoppable force; Brutish and monstrous, he blasts through everything in his path.

Molnier, Chaos Cultist - Autopistol, Brutal Assault Weapon - 4 points

Fezwhid, Chaos Cultist - Autopistol, Brutal Assault Weapon - 4 points

The rest are all regular Chaos Cultists with Autoguns.

Kazmort, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Kyphis, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Zhoritus, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Sephuraz, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Drachraz, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Sitoth, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Elygan, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Vusour, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Mortemek, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Largall, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

Noiwaff, Chaos Cultist - Autogun - 4 points

99 points in all... as soon as some gain new levels, the team will lose some cultists, but whatevs...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Game Reports? Seriously. It's a long weekend. We have nothing planned. I really need to get some games in as ToonCon is just a WEEK away!!!

After that...? I am still working on and Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team. I hope I can finish it up early next week and get to play it a few times before next weekend.


  1. Lots of good looking chaff and some splendid chaos marines! Really looking forward to your Adeptus Mechanicus kill team!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks!

      At some point I'd like to add a few more with some custom mutations and such... maybe some noise marines (I know, there aren't rules for them in Kill Team... I don't care. Noise Marines are cool!)

  2. Very nice- I’m looking at an incredibly similar Slaanesh Kill Team myself!
