Sunday, March 15, 2020


Well... Most of our extra curricular activities have been cancelled. If I were being totally honest, I am not at all disappointed about this!

A few more Noise Marines rolled off the workbench this weekend. I've been working on these, on and off, for the last few weeks. Most of my hobby time this last week has been spent assembling new models - mostly from the PILE of stuff I bought last week... and I got a little distracted and ended up painting the Venomcrawler!

These are taking a long time - I've been trying to do them all a bit different - Noise Marines are described as wearing " armour painted in various bold colours, as their senses are so distorted that only the most extravagant shades and patterns register to their minds". I also painted a few pieces to look like they were stolen from other marine chapters - either as trophies  or to replace worn/damaged bits - see if you can spot any - some aren't obvious (any yellow could be Imperial Fists, any blue could be Ultramarines) but there are others that can only be from one particular chapter!

Six NEW Noise Marines! These are parts of two different squads. Three of them are newer (but not the newest) plastic GW Chaos Space Marines - they all have Sonic Blasters from Kromlech - and one of them has a back pack from Kromlech as well. The other three are old metal Bile's Enhanced Marines - two have metal sonic blasters from GW and one has a gen-u-ine GW Noise Marine backpack, the other one has a Kromlech Sonic Blaster and two have the Kromlech backpacks.

All of them so far!

I'm sort of trying to do them in bands of five - that can potentially link up into squads of ten.

First Squad - These are all plastic (Except the Champion, D'Snydr, he's SO FUCKING METAL!)

Band #1 - Soroibus Tortus - from left to right; J'Frer, Marcus, D'Snydr, Ajax, and Fingur.

D'Snydr is an old metal GW Noise Marine Champion with Chainsword and Power Claw (Fist?), the rest are plastic GW Chaos Space Marines with the GW finecast Noise Marine Upgrade bits.

Soroibus Tortus backs.

Band #2 - Mortuis-Lac-Hominibus - from left to right; Mundus, Sanguis, Talci, Sinomine, Haec.

These are all GW plastic Chaos Space Marines - two of them have the sonic blasters from the GW finecast Noise Marine Upgrade bits set, the other three have Kromlech Sonic Blasters.

Mortuis-Lac-Hominibus back.

First part of the second Squad (ALL METAL! well... except one) Band #3 - Sabbatum Nigreos - from left to right; Pincermarum, Dios, Ozimandus, Iominus, and Equisolis.

Ozimandus is the ridiculously overpriced plastic Noise Marine that GW released last year - I think as an anniversary of the release the first Noise Marine. The plastic one is an updated sculpt of the original (of which I have one, still to paint!) The rest are old metal Fabius Bile's Enhanced Marines - three have metal sonic weapons from GW (of which, two have a gen-u-ine GW Noise Marine backpacks) the other one has a Kromlech Sonic Blaster (and two have the Kromlech backpacks).

Sabbatum Nigreos backs.

With these I am HALF done - a little more than half, really, because there are a few of the remaining ones that I have partly painted...

They've been fun, if laborious, to paint. I just hope they don't SUCK in the game!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

STILL MORE Noise Marines!!!

Game Reports!?

Probably some Blackstone Fortress... maybe some 40K once I get the last of the Noise Marines done - trying the 1000 point force out against some of the others we have around the house - We had a Drukhari and two Assuryani 1000 point forces we put together for Strange Bedfellows last year. I can easily put together a few different 1000 point Imperial Guard forces. Finnegan has LOADS of Orks... it's just getting those kids to PLAY with me now... mind you, if all their activities are cancelled, there are only so many videos they can watch on YouTube before they get bored, right...?

The idea was to try out my new Chaos forces - to get a bit of practice using them - before Battleforce Recon in April... but I'm feeling like there is a pretty strong possibility that it, too, will be cancelled - or at least postponed. Whatevs... plenty of armies to play against here at home!


  1. Fantastic looking noise marines, they look awesome!
    Best Iain

  2. I feel investing in tabletop simulator would be a good way to get games in without physically leaving the house. Though you'd both need copies of it.

    1. Maybe...? I do like the modelling/painting aspect of the hobby as much as gaming... probably MORE than gaming... and I have NO SHORTAGE of stuff to paint at this point!

      I did get in a few games with Amanda and Keira this evening. Finnegan was doing other stuff, but he says he is definitely interested in joining in a Blackstone Fortress campaign when we get one going again.

      After playing a few quick games I also assembled all the Cultists of the Abyss and Servants of the Abyss (I bought extra boxes of each) - and hope to paint them later this week - so I won't be short on figures next time we enter the Fortress!

  3. Very cool, and a nice use of Bile's chums. I honestly don't know how you get through so much painting so quickly!

    1. Thanks Ross.

      Priorities. It's just the thing I do. I don't do a lot of things that other people do that use up all their time. I don't play video games. I barely watch any TV - and when I do I actually just listen to it while painting miniatures... Not that I'm suggesting at all that MY priorities are "right" and others are "wrong"... they're just different, and mine happens to have the outcome of producing more painted miniatures.

      I also have a dedicated painting area - it's set up all the time, I can sit down for five minutes here or ten minutes there - if I have a few free minutes - I don't have to get things out and get all set up to paint.

    2. That's helpful to know actually. I do miss having a dedicated painting area set up, but sadly that's not possible at the moment. I do try to have my WIP on hand though so it doesn't take more than a minute to set up and take down again.

  4. Maybe they are a labour of love to paint, but they look so much fun. I'm getting a kick out of how they've turned out.

    1. Thanks!

      This is true - and it's what keeps me going on them! Pain in the ass - but so worth it when they're finally done. Just gotta keep my "eye on the prize" (and maybe take a break or two from time to time). Also I've been trying to take them on in smaller chunks - rather than having them ALL on the workbench at once - and doing bits, here and there, and feeling like nothing is getting done - working on five at a time, which also works with the creating themes within "bands" of five.

    2. I guess it makes sense that there are no drummer figures because Spinal Tap.

    3. Ha! Perhaps!

      I thought about drummers and figured the rhythm section could be the Obliterators I have - or a devastator squad, if I ever got one - all armed with autocannons... for a nice staccato beat!
