Sunday, March 29, 2020

Adventures With Draik Continue

Saturday afternoon Amanda and I played some more Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and finished off out second expedition on the Quest for the Hidden Vaults. The first part of this expedition can be found here:

Enter Janus Draik

We'd played through half of the expedition over two days and when we'd left off Janus Draik had FOUR Grievous Wounds! he kept going though - refusing to give up while that filthy xenos that was accompanying them was willing to press on!

I finished off a few of the Servants of the Abyss - a box set of additional models that come in the Blackstone Fortress core set...

I finished off a few Ur-Ghuls... Unfortunately, it's been over a year since I painted the FIRST BATCH and I kind of forgot which paints I used... these turned out...

...mcuh darker than the others... I'm also using a considerably different basing scheme than I'd originally planned to... I might have to update the others bases. I'm not sure about bothering to lighten up the newly painted ones (or darkening the others!), though...

also finished up a pair of Spindle Drones.

The others were painted much more recently, so I had no trouble matching therewith the others... mostly... Now that I look at these pictures, I think I might have gone in and dry brushed the others with a bit of silver highlight after using the purple wash... Hmmmm...

On with the game: Our first card draw was a combat.

We've seen this layout before. And it was populated with Ur-Ghuls and Spindle Drones! but not enough to necessitate busting out the newly painted ones...

The proximity of the Ur-Ghuls to the arrival chamber was a bit alarming! Luckily Vorne was quick to react to their presence.

She rushed out of the chamber and roasted them all!

It took a few blasts to finish them all off.

Then she threw some fire down the passage ahead to hopefully burn any other hostile that might come that way...

Unofortunately they came the other way... Not to worry, Shadowguide blasted the one with line-of-sight before it got a shot off (and collected up some Archaeotech in the process.

On the second round Vorne rushed down the corridor and burned the Spindle Drones from behind!

Treasures were quickly collected and everyone made it to the Maglev Chamber before any reinforcements showed up!

The next card was a challenge - shooting fleeing hostiles in the back... Seems like Draik's sort of thing...

But actually he ISN'T very good at killing things at range - only scored one wound - not enough to draw a discovery card! Locarno did collect one - as did Vorne and Shadowguide, who both dealt out a terrifying amount of wounds!

On to the next encounter!

This was interesting - it was all ONE BIG CHAMBER - and with TWO larger groups of Traitor Guard - who really love shooting aimed, long range lasgun fire... things looked a little bad...

Then we remembered the Support Ability of the Vanguard - and made good use of that!!!

Vorne, once again, led the charge... roasting more Ur-ghuls (for the record... yeah... they taste like chicken...).

Then, using up all the destiny dice, rushed past their smouldering corpses and burned one group of Traitor Guard...

... and then another... and then swept back across the first...

By the time she was done, she'd almost wiped out the squad!

Locarno actually helped out in this one - destroying a couple of Traitor Guard with Warp Energy released from his Third Eye!

Shadowguide shot up the rest of the other squad - and then sprinted across the chamber to summon another maglev chamber.

Before she could, however, one appeared elsewhere - on her way there, she realized they'd missed one of the Traitor guard and took care of him!

Vorne, standing a little too close to one of the entry points was ambushed by a group of Ur-Ghul reinforcements! Somehow she managed to survive their onslaught.

Then she stepped back and isolated the lot of them!

Locarno rushed to help, but Vorne really didn't need any.

Another Guard they'd thought dead popped up and was cut back down by the Aeldari Ranger with her brutal Power Blade.

and even tried to slow us down... but all made it to the chamber and escaped back to the transport... and we all headed back to Precipice!

It was a wonder that Draik made it back at all!

(Hmmmmm... between this and the Previous Report, there seem to be only three challenges... I must have forgotten to take note of one... probably played on the second day..?)

This is what we got back to Precipice with! LOADS of stuff. Vorne traded the Emperiyan Chronometer to Draik for the single piece of archaeotech he'd collected - thought it was worth three times as much! The Chronometer is Draik's Secret Agenda and with it could START expeditions in Inspired Mode and kick ass... seemed like a thing she'd do... The Aeldari Ranger? She'd have probably sold it off!

During the Legacy Step, we drew a second Countdown card! Whew!

All the goods on offer at Precipice.

Not having much archaeotech to spend, both Locarno and Draik ended up heading to the Traveller to check on the Ratling Twins - to see if Locarno's team had had any luck in reviving them... nope...

Shadowguide headed over to the Vanguard and snatched up the Draikskin Cloak and the Refractor Field - both things that give re-rolls for defence rolls. She passed on along the Draikskin Cloak to Vorne and kept the refractor field for herself! Meanwhile, Pious Vorne headed home to the Clarion and picked up EVERYTHING on offer - a couple of incantations... and a BIONIC EYE - it exhausts to let her re-roll a failed weapon attack (meaning she can use it once every turn in combat)!

We didn't have much else to do afterwards so we decided to start another expedition after supper - since we'd gathered so many Clues, we thought we'd try out a Stronghold Assault! Stay tuned for THAT!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

Part One of the Stronghold Assault!

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