Friday, August 7, 2020

Daemon World Terrain - Part 1

 For the New Daemon World Campaign I'm running this month, I thought I'd come up with some new Daemon World Campaign. Actually for some time I've wanted to do some "Alien" terrain - bits of terrain that looked utterly... well... ALIEN!? So many of the battles of the 41st Millennium seem to be fought over terrain that looks remarkably similar to... well.. EARTH!? Surely, out there in the Galaxy, some planets look a little different!? So this is the beginning of an attempt to rectify that!

First was the game board

(which I have previously posted pictures of) 

But here it is again!

This was really fun to paint - it's been a LONG time since I painted on something so big! I almost want to put wire on the back so I can hang it on a wall (when we're not playing on it!) 

The first actual terrain bits are a couple of large rocky alien outcroppings - large, line-of-sight blocking blocky bits! Second blocky, line-of-sight blocking rocky outcropping 
Same out, different angle... 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Daemon World Campaign - The Warlords - Part 2 - The Champions of Khorne and Tzeentch! 

Daemon World Campaign - Scenario #1 - the Daemon Beast of Narrkabogg

MOAR Daemon World Terrain! 

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