Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Grey Knight Force

While working on the Obliterators over the weekend, I also finished up a few more Grey Knights. I was kind of considering them for one of the scenario options for the Daemon World Campaign... but just didn't get to it... I have something entirely different for the final battle on Thursday. 

The force so far - could be fielded as a Battalion Detachment now! 

Or... could still be fielded as a Patrol Detachment - as the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor does not take up an HQ slot in the force organization. 


Brother Captain - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades - Power Rating 7

Brotherhood Champion Tyson - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades- Power Rating 5

Inquisitor Maria - Ordo Malleus - (in Terminator Armour) - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Daemon Hammer, Psyk-Out Grenades, Psychic Powers: Smite, *one other - to be determined* - Power Rating 6


Strike Team I

Justicar Jeremy - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Trevor - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Brett - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Gordon - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Todd  - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Power Rating 7

Strike Team II

Justicar Jeff - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Steve  - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Roger - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Curtis - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Blake  - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Power Rating 7

Strike Team III 

Justicar Nelson - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Wayne  - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Keith - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Colin - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Bryce  - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Power Rating 7

Heavy Support

Purgation Squad

Justicar Brian - Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Scott  - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother James  - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Kyle  - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Robin - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Kevin - Incinerator, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Brother Patrick  - Psilencer, Frag, Krak, and Psych-out Grenades

Power Rating 7 (for five of them, one always Left-out-of-Battle)

(typically only five of these would take to the field any more and the Power Rating jumps to 13)

Total Power Level (so far): 45

Enough for a Crusade starting force! 

A pair of alternative Ordo Malleus Inquisitors. Without the Terminator Armour, they would only be Power Rating 4.

I have a few other things that need finishing up  I have a Dreadnought and  three Terminators - all older metal minis!  

One of the Terminators is done, I just need to finish up the other two. I'll probably field them as Paladins, as I have no great desire to track down two MORE old metal ones, and Paladins can be fielded in units of just three! The only trouble with them, is the OLD metal terminators DON'T have the wrist-mounted stormbolters the newer ones have - just the Nemesis force Halberds... Not sure if I should mock something up or track down newer bits and try to stick those one or just say they don't have them...? Regardless the Dreadnought and three Paladins would add another 10 Power Rating to the force. 

I also have a pair of Rhino APCs to finish up. They're newer ones. As they can carry ten regular Greay Knights each, I could use them to ferry around the three Strike Teams and the Purgation Squad - two in each of the Rhinos. Rhinos are 4 Power Rating each. 

So painting up the rest of the stuff I have could bring the force to 63 Power Level. 

I do also have Bother Captain Stern and Castellan Crowe models... but I'm not super stoked about fielding named characters - so they're waaaaaay down on the paint list. I suppose I could just paint them up and maybe call Stern by some other name and just use him as a second Brother Captain (which would bring the force to 70 Power Level)

The only other thing I'm sort of considering would be a Land Raider, of some sort. This would make the entire force MECHANIZED and could ferry around the HQ elements along with the Paladins. But unless a crazy good deal on a used one comes my way, I probably won't be picking that up any time soon! (But if I did, that would be 85 Power Level!) 

If I wanted to get crazy and bring it up to 100, that would probably require a Razorback and a Stormhawk Interceptor.... 

...but that would be CrAzY!? 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The Grand Finale to the Daemon World Challenge! 

1 comment:

  1. "...but that would be CrAzY!? "

    Like that is going to stop you....

    I know that 40K is very WYSIWYG, but I come from the opposite end of the spectrum where I'm open to anything reasonable to serve as a proxy, as long as I know before the game starts. And you could always take the "Beutepanzer" approach as well.
