Monday, November 30, 2020

November Games - Part Two

 Yikes... what happened to November? What happened to this YEAR!? 

Played a few games in the First Half of the Month, The last two weeks... less so... 

Friday, 20 November 2020

On Friday, Kurtis came over for pizza and games... but he brought his own pizza. 

We started off with a game of London - I had suggested it, because I haven't played it in a long time. Took a while to re-figure-out the strategy... or at least A strategy. I did well on keeping poverty down throughout the game. Kurtis had had a PILE, but in the last few rounds had structures that eliminated almost all of it!? We actually ran out of Underground tokens as he was able to put so many of them in play and that kind of won him the game right there! It took Amanda a few MORE turns than Kurtis and I to get a rhythm going and was constantly trying to catch up. 

I really like London. Wish I could play it more.

After that we played a couple rounds of Monarch. In the first I ended up fling the banner of Might, Amanda had Bounty and Kurtis had Culture. In the second game, just to switch things up, I went with Culture, Amanda took Might and Kurtis flew the banner of Wisdom. I ended up wining both games (more because of luck than any solid strategy!?) . 

Saturday, 21 November 2020 

On Saturday we finished off the Fated Accelerated game I'd started the week before... except Christian wasn't able to make it... and Chris was, but he'd missed out on what had happened the week before and was a bit lost! 

The game was set on Mercury in the not-too-distant future. Bit of a mystery/thriller/conspiracy adventure as the players were trying to figure out what the hell was going on around them and who they could trust. 

Saturday 28 November 2020 

Only Jon and Chris were able to make it out to RPG night, and I had very little prepared, so I convinced Finnegan to run a quick game of Four Against Darkness for us - I played Gronq the Barbarian (who worships Croq - God of Ugly but Comfortable Footwear), Jon played a Cleric Named Felquis, and Chris played Lief Qjingleberries (the "Q" is silent) an Elf. We also had a halfling named Quincy following us along, basically to carry a lantern for us, so we could see the rooms and corridors of the dungeon we were bashing. We fought some hobgolbins, rats and bats a couple ogres and a troll. It was a pretty fun, light game and I'm glad I finally got around to trying it out. 

Finnegan has pretty much ALL of the Four Against Darkness stuff - including a few that aren't released (as he is helping with play-testing and proofreading/editing) - and just loves the game. Seems like we will have no trouble recruiting him to run more games if we are without players - or a game to play - on any Saturday night in the future! 

 Just thirty-one days left in the year (and Q4)!

I never really did come up with a plan for the fourth quarter... 

If I were to retroactively pick out five games to play five times - just to keep up with THAT part of the plan, I'd probably go with Fate Accelerated (as I've played six games of THAT already!), Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains (we've played four - I'm sure we could get ONE MORE game in during December) 4 and then Azul, Carcassonne, Codenames: Pictures or Monarch (we've played two of each). Four Against Darkness could just as easily go on the list, I'm sure Finnegan would JUMP at the opportunity to run more games of that! 

Little has moved ahead with the renovation as my FINGER IS STILL BROKEN - went for an x-ray last week (or... the end of the week before..?) and through I haven't heard back from my doctor, we could see the results online and it said there was still a visible fracture... I've also sprained my LCL (ligament on the outside of the knee) and THAT feel like its taking for-EVAR to heal!? GAH!? 

I've still done no painting of miniatures... though I did get a lot of other painting done this month

Probably be back in a couple weeks with an update. Hope everyone is safe and healthy. Things are going sideways here. New Covid-19 cases are just spiralling out of control. Despite so many examples of best practices in so many other places that seem to have it under control, the prairie provinces just seem to want ignore other places success stories to learn how awful pandemics can be the hard way... 


  1. The Saturday games sound good, I've bought Carcassonne for the family for Christmas, looking forward to it,finger sounds rotten and knees always take a while to clear up because it's difficult to give them proper rest without doing literally nothing! Take care.
    Best Iain
