Friday, November 19, 2021

Mister Collins' Crew

This is the second Special Unit I've been working on for The Silver Bayonet

(You can see the other one here: Dulles' Rifles)

This wasn't meant to be an opponent for the other unit, but rather one for Finnegan to use when we play co-op - as that method of play seems to suit us better. Most of the miniatures are newly painted, but I've had kicking around for some time. 

Mister Collins Crew

Mister William Collins

Mister William Collins was a simple country minister at Hunsford Parsonage (established for him by his patron, Lady Catherine de Bourgh). He was an awkward and obsequiousness man and often seemed very impressed with himself and utterly clueless when it came to the feelings of others... That is until he returned home one day to find his dear wife, Charlotte, had been murdered by Vampires! 

This singular event hardened Mr. Collins into a blunt and brutal monster slayer... Around him he has gathered a similarly disposed crew of hardened hunters. Together they travel the countryside, at home and abroad - oblivious to the wars that rage across the continent - They have a greater purpose and a divine mission.  

(Ugh... Did... did I just fridge a minor character from a popular novel to motivate a male character...? Yes, it seems I did... I apologize for making use of a supremely lazy, tired trope... my only excuse is that I am supremely lazy and tired these days and can't be bothered to put THAT much thought into a character we might only use for a handful of games... ) 

Finnegan helped with developing Mister Collins, as he will be playing him for, at least, the first few games we play of The Silver Bayonet. He chose Melee, Health, and Courage to upgrade (as I did with "Dicky" Dulles) , so his initial stat line looks like:

Speed 6, Melee+2,  Accuracy +1, Defence 14, Courage +3, Health 13, Recruitment (100/40) 

He is armed with a Holy Symbol, a Hand Weapon, and a Silver Weapon - in truth they are all one and the same - that giant silver cross he carries (we said it was a little better balanced that your average "improvised weapon" and thus called it a "hand weapon"). This only uses up three of his potential SIX weapon slots. I suggested maybe giving him a pair of pistols (tucked away in his minister's robes) and some Cold Iron or Silver Shot!

He also has the Great Faith and Unflappable attributes. 

Mister Bertram - Champion of Faith 

Mister Bertam of Northamptonshire, was educated at Eton and Oxford. A similarly tragic incident drove him to monster hunting and eventually to join forces with Mr. Collins

Mister Bertam is armed with  a Silver Hand weapon and Holy Symbol (like Mr. Collins, they are one and the same). He has the Miracles and Suernatural Veteran attributes 

Mister Ferrars

Edward Ferrars is a Swordsman (I'd initially thought of making him a Super Natural Investigator - also 22 Recruitment points, but the Investigator's "Monster Expert" attribute seems to be entirely useless in co-op/solo games, so I chose Swordsman instead) He is armed with a Cold Iron Fencing Weapon and a pistol. He has the Indefatigable attribute. 

Mister Hayter

Charles Hayter is an "Infantryman" - not actually a soldier, just a member of the unit with no special attributes armed with only a musket... 

Private Ripley and Private Graham - two soldiers from the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment. 

As Highlanders they are armed with Musket and Cartridge Box and Silver Shot. 

Sapper Duff - a pioneer, also from the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment. 

A Saper is armed with a Musket, Cartridge box (with Cold Iron Shot),  and Heavy Weapon and has the Combat Engineer attribute. 

We actually made use of part of this unit (and part of Dulles Rifles) to play the first Solo Scenario - Wolf Pack - yesterday afternoon. Hopefully I will get a game report posted of the action in the next day or so... 


  1. I am as ever in awe of your productivity! I’ve only managed to read the first twenty or so pages of the book in the last week...

    1. Well... I didn't read the WHOLE book, cover to cover... Read enough to make a warband and play the game... I haven't read through all of the scenarios or monsters...

  2. Nice work! Looks like a good crew. Can't go wrong with a few lads in kilts.

  3. Tim,
    Looking forward to your first battle report.

    Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles
