Saturday, March 19, 2022

Kill Team: Nachmund

 I did a thing... 

I had kind of sworn I wouldn't get another one of these until I painted a few of the Kill Teams that came in the LAST TWO boxes I bought... but FOMO got the best of me.

I think I really am done buying these... I can't think of a combo that could possibly get me THAT interested again... 

Well... maybe if there was an INQUISITION Kill Team... An inquisitor with a rag-tag group of acolytes... and their opponent in the box were NOISE MARINES!? If they did THAT match up in a box, I would totally break down and buy that. But what are the odds of that...? 

So far they've done Imperial Guard and Ork Kommandos in Octarius, Sister Novitiates and Tau Pathfinders in Chalnath, and now Aeldari Corsairs and Chaos Space Marines in Nachmund. 

In the White Dwarfs they've included advanced rules for Mechanicus, Thousand Sons, Harlequin and Genestealer Cult. 

What will be next? What haven't they done...? Drukhari (though the Corsairs are kind of related and include Drukhari...), Necrons, Space Marines, Death Guard, Daemons, Talons (Sisters of Silence and Custodes)...? 

Something completely different?! Like the Rogue Trader box they did for the previous edition of Kill Team!? 

I'm a little surprised there hasn't been ANYTHING for Space Marines - especially considering how people crowed on about how their old Space Marine Kill Teams weren't playable... 

I've had Harlequins on the workbench all week - just re-basing the last of the older , previously painted ones - so I could use them with the new Kill Team Rules in the latest White Dwarf - or as a Patrol Detachment in an Aeldari army - with the new Codex


  1. I believe the rumor for the next one is Catachan guard vs. Tyanids (Lictor) with jungle terrain, but that could be wish-listing...

    1. Huh... Maybe we'll find out in the Adepticon Preview.

      Ha! My FIRST thought was "Good! I totally don't need that one!"...

      But the second and third and fourth thoughts start bargaining... "It would be nice to have some MORE Jungle terrrain, no?" ... "We DO have some Tyranids (and Genestealer Cult!)... this might be a useful addition to the growing brood..." and so on...

      Ugh... Got to get off this FOMO-fired Hype Train!?

    2. Well, if GW wanted they could sell the box for a year, but then that would reduce FOMO sales...

    3. Yeah, I can't see that happening. It's a marketing strategy that seems to be working for them. I can't blame them, really. Much.

      Also, they produce a LOT of stuff. It would be crazy for then to keep ALL the products in production ALL the time...

    4. That is another problem with GW lately... they produce SO MUCH cool stuff that there is no way to keep up. In the old days when they released like 6 armies a year, you might have to pass on one you liked to collect and paint another one (comforted by the knowledge that you had a couple of years or a decade to get the figures anyway) but now on top of 12 armies a year, and the FOMO of these various boxes, they also are dumping out warbands, gangs, resin, special characters, boxed games, fighter wings, titans, and 1001 other things. No one could possibly keep up with everything that they might like (let alone afford it all!). And unlike the old days, the shelf life of any of that is completely unknown. Consequently I think a lot of people pass up on various new releases just because it is not possible to do it all. (at least that's part of why I don't buy as much as I might like to!)

    5. So true. I probably need to just stop following Warhammer community on all social media platforms and delete the link from my bookmarks and just not even LOOK... There are SO MANY things - just from GW that I'd like to build stuff up for: Kill Team, 40K, AoS, Warcry, Warhammer Underworlds, Necromunda, Warhammer Quest (Cursed City AND Blackstone Fortress)... and that's just the games from GW I'd like to play!? And for EACH of those games, there are MULTIPLE forces I have on the go!? I really need to just PICK ONE and focus on THAT and that alone...

      I guess a SMART thing would be to say - I'm going to focus on Kill Team... pick ONE Kill Team, and get it finished and play with it a few times... Then pick another one and do the same... one ALL of the factions I have kill teams for are finished, THEN pick one faction to build up into a Patrol Detachment for a 40K Crusade campaign at Combat Patrol level... Then a different one... then either another patrol detachment OR build upon the existing Patrol detachments to make them into a force (Battalion Detachment?) able to play at Incursion level...

      Don't even get me started on ALL THE OTHER GAMES I'd like to paint miniatures for and play.

      Because my interests are so scattered and unable to focus, I end up getting NOTHING done at all - which is even MORE frustrating.

      I think the pandemic has had a LOT to do with that. I just haven't been PLAYING games. When I was playing games on a fairly regular basis, that helped me keep focused - getting stuff done for the next game. Because there has been so little miniature game playing, nothing that NEEDS to get done for the next game I feel a little adrift in a sea of choices?!
