Tuesday, January 10, 2023

MORE Lord of the Rings Distractions - Nazgûl and Re-Based Uruk-Hai

Circling back to Lord of the Rings for a moment... most of my postulating during my recent Lord of the Rings Distraction was focusing on Dragon Rampant. While I did mention that they could conceivably be used in Song of Blades and Heroes, it wasn't very seriously considered. 

This past weekend I was supposed to start running a role-playing campaign with FATE... but Sunday morning one player bailed, another hadn't responded in a week and I tried to find something else me and the remaining player could do... and I suggested Song of Blades and Heroes - thinking I might use a few of the recently rebased Lord of the Rings miniatures... 

In a panic I turned to the internet to see if anyone else had come up with stats for characters. While at one point, I would have just made up stats, on the spot for just about anything in Song of Blades and Heroes... it's been YEARS since I've played and while it is a simple enough game to pick up and play, I was no longer feeling confident I could just make them up on the spot!? Luckily I found a blog post from 12 years ago that had all I needed to get started! 

Steel City Wargaming - SoBH for LotR Games

Initially I'd thought of running something with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas... but wasn't sure what to throw them up against? I didn't have a lot of options for foes... I did have a handful of Uruk-hai with pikes (though a few were still on washer bases!) but I'd have to throw in Sarumon to get something close to matching points, and I don't think they ever really faced Sarumon, face-to-face... 

Next thought was maybe using Éowyn on foot with some warriors of Rohan... against the same weird mix of Sarumon, and Orc Captain and a handful of Uruk-Hai... then I remember the Witch-King and had a new idea... 

Then the final player sent me a note bailing 15 minutes after he was supposed to have arrived!? 

Ah, well... 

I was already down a rabbithole... 

I got thinking about a scenario involving mounted Éomer and a few riders chasing down Uruk-Hai that were wandering about the edge of the Fangorn Forest... and so got to rebasing more of the Uruk-hai - and spent the rest of Sunday doing that! 

(well... and re-basing some OTHER stuff as well!) 

Uruk-Hai - not quite a Dragon Rampant warband... but plenty to play Song of Blades and Heroes with! 

Still lots to do - 50+ to rebase 

I also happened to paint up those two Nazgûl from Mithril Miniatures. 

Sunday evening, Amanda and I started watching Rings of Power on Amazon Prime... which may or may not provide further distraction inspiration to work on these.

I would like to get in a quick game of Song of Blades and Heroes, this week, using these miniatures. If I don't the moment will pass and they will languish in their drawers for a few more years until I circle back to them again... which would probably be okay, as I have OTHER THINGS to be working on! But, given all the work I've done on these lately, it'd be nice to see them in action and not leave them feeling all that work was for naught! 


  1. Great work on salvaging the weekend! Love the miniatures. Would be interested in your view of the Rings of Power.

    1. Thanks!

      We're only two episodes in.... It's okay... I'll definitely keep watching, but it's not like it's the BEST THING EVER!?!?

      I made the mistake of watching Ryan George's Pitch Meeting about it before hand - the pitch meeting series of videos are HILARIOUS, but there are spoilers and they can leave you a bit jaded before you even see a thing. At the time I wasn't even sure I would get around to watching it... I mean... there is SO MUCH STUFF out there...

      I like it better than Wheel of Time, so far...?

      I'll get back at you when we're a little further in!

  2. Looks like a nice little force, and of course as you get to the others you can expand it. Bummer that everyone bailed on you.

    Those Mithril Nazgul are pretty cool, particularly the one with the stabbing pose. How do they scale to the "small" GW figures?

    1. Thanks!

      Ehhhh..... starting to think solo gaming might be the way to go...

      I think the Mithril Minis are pretty close to the GW Middle Earth stuff... But I'm not SUPER FUSSY about these sorts of things, so others may disagree... I'll try to remember to post a comparison picture at some point!

  3. Great figure usage and interesting to hear your initial Rings of Power thoughts.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thanks Alan. We're four episodes into Rings of Power now, and I'm getting into it! Kind of want to go back and watch ALL THE OTHER Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movies, now!

  4. Very nice. I have just rebased 20 odd Harlequin Miniatures Orcs. I was thinking into looking into Dragon Rampant

    1. Thanks! I really like Dragon Rampant. Not that I didn't like Hordes of the Things. I LOVED Hordes of the Things - I just haven't been getting to play it for so long, and I figured individually based miniatures are just more versatile...
