Sunday, September 17, 2023

Rat Ogors

These have been, like, 95% complete for MONTHS and haunting the corners of thepainting desk for far too long! I've been getting together with a couple of friends on Discord for a paint and chat on Sunday afternoons for the last month, and when I was trying to decide what to work on this week... I decided it was time to finish these off! We only get together for a couple of hours and I figured there would be perfect, not so much work to be done that I'd be super focused on painting and not keeping up with the conversation... and it would mean two large based minis OFF of my painting desk

Rat Ogors

The miniatures are the old metal original Rat Ogre models from Citadel Miniatures. the one without the sword I think doubled as a Blood Bowl player. 

I put them on 50mm bases - as that is the current "recommended" size for Rat Ogors... and the bases seem a touch big. The newer plastic ones are considerably bigger (and that's what the recommended base size is based on). I probably could have gone with 40mm... but I think I'm just going to leave them for now.  

I have three or four more Rat Ogors to paint, but they're all newer models - the last of the metal ones that were made. They're bigger than these and don't look so ridiculous on 50mm bases. So, for consistency, I'll probably keep them all on 50mm bases. 

I think I have enough Rat Ogors that there could be one for every warband - if the players felt like they wanted one! 

I should really get a game or two of Warcry in - that might get me motivated to paint some MORE of these Skaven! 


  1. Cool!
    I probably should have gotten more skaven back in the day. They would make good foes for various fantasy games, even aside from GW games.
    I hear you about bases. Some minis take up more space than others, but for consistency's sake sometimes you just have to have some on bigger bases than they really need so they fit in with others that do need the bigger bases.

    1. Oh, absolutely! I would totally use these (and all the other Skavenses) in Song of Blades and Heroes. Once they're all done I could probably eke out a force for Dragon Rampant. And they'd fit right into any other sort of fantasy RPG or skrimish game.

      For some reason I find it easier to divorce GW fantasy miniatures from the Warhammer fluff than I am for 40K minis from 40K fluff. Playing Xenos Rampant with Chaos Daemons versus Eldar earlier this year... just... if seemed weird. I was constantly judging the game on how much it did or didn't have the same feel as a game of 40K with the same figures... I coudln't NOT think of them as Chaos Daemons and Space Elves from the 41st millenium!?

  2. Great looking pair of Rat Ogres, nicely based,always good to get an almost finished figure finished!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!

      Especially the ones that are haunting the painting area that are just TOO close to being done that you can't possibly take them off the table.... One would think it would be EASY to finish up those... alas...
