Friday, August 30, 2019

The Hunters Hunted

A gang of Spyrer brats have descended Downhive to go hunting for sport. They've been wreaking havoc for the last few cycles, killing and and mutilating and maiming for giggles. Local guilders have put a price on their heads. Most who have lost loved ones, though, would be willing to take their heads for free...

Someone had discovered their means of egress - an Arvus Lighter - locked away in a secluded hanger.  One only needs to wait until they come to leave...

Last game with the three kids for this week, I wanted to try out the Spyrers. The Spyrers objective it to make it to the Lighter. The gangs' objective is to make sure they never do. The Lighter was locked in a hanger - if the gangs can bypass the locks they COULD do damage to the Lighter, but it was fairly tough... If they did destroy it, the Spyrers could escape by heading back to the left they started from and find another way out from another level.

Explaining the scenario to the kids.

The Spyrers in their entry point - a cargo left.

The Spyrers getaway vehicle - and Arvus Lighter secured in a locked hanger.

Finnegan's Genestealer Cultists.

Keira's Escher gang (after yesterday's game she was reduced to FOUR active fighters!!)

My Cawdor gang that Ian was using


Relative starting positions.


Spyrers exit the elevator and take a few shots at some cultists lurking around a nearby corner.


Some of the cultists tried to flank the Spyrers and shoot them as they go by. The Magos and two Hybrid Acolytes break into the hanger - so much for being a SECURE hiding place for their getaway ride!?


Escher gangers walked out into a hall to find Cawdor Gangers coming their way! Shots were not immediately exchanged!?

Spyerers stack behind a security door, expecting trouble beyond.

Genestealers Cultists cautiously approach the Spyrers under cover after taking fire from them.

Finnegan was really missing his Abberant which was sitting out this game as he figured it could have really wrecked the Arvus Lighter with it's Power Hammer!

Cawdor gangers all in a nice neat line, waiting in a corridor...

Escher gangers went back the way they came. A couple of the Cawdor Gangers followed.

Genestealer Cultists move up behind security door.

Spyrers take down the corridor. One Cawdor Ganger seriously injured, two others pinned.

The Escher gang enters the hangar followed by a couple of Cawdor Gangers. They notice Cenestealer Cultists at the other end of the hangar, but ignore them and proceed to try and wreck the Arvus Lighter... they manage to do no damage, whatsoever.

The Hybrid Acolytes opened the door and started mixing it up with the Malcadon Spyrers... with the door open, an Escher ganger with a gas sprayer gassed everyone in the hall - including one of the Genestealer Hybrids!

Orrus and Yeld Spyrers thin out their opponents. Both Cawdor and the Genestealer Cultists bottled out after this...

Brutal melee at the hangar entrance - the Jakara Leader and one of the Malcadon Spyrers are down!

Cawdor and Escher gangers shoot at the Arvus... still unable to damage it at all... Though a stray bolder shot from the Cawdor leaders bolter takes down and Escher ganger "by mistake"...

Orrus Spyrer cleaning crew.

Both Maldcadon Spyrers out of action. The Jakara Leader faces the Magos and Hybrid Acolyte on her own!

Yeld Spyrer providing some covering fire.

Escher Gangers turn on the Cawdor gangers shooting them from behind.

Eventually all the Cawdor Gangers split and the Escher Gangers and Genestealer Cultists were fighting it out in the hangar. (Yeld Spyrer was seriously injured and down, the remaining Orrus Spyrer was broken and had run off to a far corner)... So we kind of just called it.

good times seemed to be had by all!

I hadn't really worked out victory conditions and benefits for the victor as I knew this would be our last game for this mini introductory campaign.

I think I'll have to make the Spyrers a little more badass for the October game... or any other time I'm using them as adversaries in an arbitrated narrative scenario like this. Their weapons were pretty effective, but I think they need to be a touch more survivable. The Malcadons I should have give full respirator masks. The leader should have had three Wounds, the rest should have had two...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

August's Games.

MORE Necromunda!


  1. 2 great reports (this and The Return of Karloth Valois)! Your setups always look great and the games sound fun.

    1. Thanks! They were great fun - I'm REALLY enjoying this game so far! Better than Kill Team. Not sure why they didn't use the same mechanics when they did Kill Team (which came out almost a year later!?)

  2. You have so many cool toys that your house must be the neighborhood favorite hang-out.
