Sunday, August 11, 2019

Delaque Gangers

I finally finished up the Delaque Leader, so I thought I would post pics of the entire gang... I do have three more to do, but all three require some converting, and it may be some time before I get to them, so...

The One-Eyed Red Snakes

The entire gang, so far...

All are old school Necromunda metal figures from Citadel Miniatures.

Artifex is the Leader of the gang. Artifex is a master dealer in information and prohibited substances (mainly obscure and spook - which he sells as red and blue pills). Artifex is kitted out with Flack Armour, Photogoggles, a Bolt Gun, a Power Axe and a Stub gun.
Skills: Mentor
225 credits

Risternina (Champion) is Artifex's right hand man.
He is kitted out with Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Lascannon with monosight, and a Stub Gun.
Skills: Marksman
330 credits

Mus and Rotis. These Gangers are equipped with Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Lasgun, Stub Gun and Stiletto Knife.
110 credits each

Oraculum and Mutatio. These Gangers have Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Shotgun (Solid and Scatter ammo), Stub Gun, Stiletto Knife, and Frag Grenades
155 credits each

Rutabulum and Partem. More Gangers with Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Autogun, Stub Gun, and Stiletto Knife.
110 credits each

Glacies and Architectus. Still more Gangers with Flak Armour, Photogoggles, Autogun, Stub Gun, and Stiletto Knife.
110 credits each

Neo86753, Neo4723, and Neo65395 - Juves.
Neo86753 is armed with a Stiletto Knife and a Stub Gun (40 Credits)
Neo4723 is armed with an Autopistol and Stiletto Knife (50 Credits)
Neo65395is armed with a 2 Stub Guns, and Stiletto Knife (50 Credits).

And that's the gang so far... In total I have 1665 credits worth of Gangers - more than I need for a starting gang in a campaign - or even a skirmish gang. A couple are armed with non-standard Delaque equipment (The LASCANNON! - and the Power Axe...). This will probably all get changed when, you know, I actually get to PLAY the game. I mean, the main armaments will stay the same, but there are so many wargear and pistol and grenade options - things that could go in a pocket or under their coat that don't have to be represented on the miniature...

As I mentioned at the top, I have three more to finish up - two are actually Hasslefree miniatures that I was going to convert to use as Delaque gangers, the third is an additional figure that was aiming an Autogun - which I have carved off and thought I'd replace with... well something... Maybe a Meltagun...?

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have finished up a squad/patrol of Adeptus Arbites and will post pictures of those soonish - probably tomorrow.