Thursday, January 16, 2025

Soulbould - Flight Through the Caves

 I've been running two games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - the role-playing game set in the Mortal Realms of the Age of Sigmar. One game is online with friends that no longer live in Saskatoon. The other is in-person with Amanda and Finnegan and our friends Orion and Nick. 

In the in-person game has been a lot of fun and has motivated me to get a lot of miniatures painted, because OF COURSE I have to use miniatures... The Spite-Revenants, the Hunter, the The Minstrel and Pilgrim, the Arkanaut Company, the Screamers of Tzeentch, all the  Tzaangors, I mean, the whole reason I picked up Arcane Cataclysm was because I figured for Disciples of Tzeentch were going to be regular opponents... 

In Soulbound, the characters are a bit more powerful than characters in regular games. Unlike Warhammer Fantasy, where you start as a stable hand or rat-catcher or burglar or whatever and work your way up... The starting characters are pretty powerful... the level of play is more like Greek myths - Jason and the Argonauts or Herakles or Odysseus or Achilles- powerful mortals that have gained the attention of the gods... 

Indeed, the characters in Soulbound have done SOMETHING to have gained the attention of the Gods of the Mortal Realms. They have been chosen to become a part of a Soulbinding - a group whose souls are bound together - making them nigh immortal and very quick to recover from illness and injury. And they are generally tasked with seeking out and destroying agents of Chaos or other threats to the Mortal Realms...

Amanda is playing Dollenorig, a Sylvaneth Spite-Revenant character. They're kind of like vengeful tree spirits that are so mean, they have been outcast of the Sylvaneth. The Sylvaneth are pretty suspicious of outsiders. Spite-Revenants just hate the outsiders... 

Finnegan is playing Evirach, a Witch Hunter of the Order of Azyr. He is rather book-obsessed and NOT REALLY A FIGHTER AT ALL! He's used to doing the investigating and interviews and lets his subordinates do all the fighty-murdery stuff... He also wears a jaunty hat, unlike most of the others in his order.

Nick is playing Namakona, a playing an Idoneth Deepkin Tidecaster (Deep Sea Elf wizard, of a sort). The idoneth exist at the bottom of the sea where it's dark and quiet and no one around to bother them. They don't even like each other much, let alone outsiders... 

Orion is playing Roragnir, a Fyreslayer DOOMSEEKER. Also an outcast, Doomseekers have taken the barazakdum - the doom-oath - forsaking their lodge and cast out to wander the realms alone... for... REASONS... 

(I don't have pictures of their miniatures...) 

So... Yeah... They're a really odd bunch of outcasts... HOW in the Realms did they end up in a Soulbinding together!? Well we decided that Malerion, The Shadow King, got bored of sitting upon his throne in Ulgu - the Realm of Shadow - over which he reigns, and took on the form of a large aelf and slipped into Misthåvn (a floating City of Sigmar in the Realm of Shadow) and wandered into a pub to get drunk... and when he was deep in his cups, he clocked the four characters in the pub with him.... Each was there for their own, but similar, purposes. They each were on the trail of a Tzeentch Sorceress, the Burning [body part] (She has gone by different names over the centuries; The Burning Foot, The Burning Fist, The Burning Armpit, the Burning Butthole... (Cado Ezechiar knew her as the Burning Hand...).

Malerion was feeling bitter and cranky about Sigmar having hounded him to contribute MORE to the Pantheon and the fight against Chaos... and figured these would make a great binding... or a good joke...? So, without their permission he bound their souls... The pub burst into magical blue flames that burned for four days and when it suddenly extinguished itself, it was discovered that everyone in the pub had died, except for the four whose souls were now bound to each others... 

Somehow they travelled from Misthåvn, in the Realm of Ulgu, to Hammerhal, the "Twin-Tailed City" that exists in both in the Realm of Aqushy and the Realm of Ghyran - connected by the Stormrift Realmgate. 

For the past few weeks, we have been playing through Crash and Burn - an adventure that starts in Hammerhal Aqsha and involves the player characters boarding a Kharadron Overlord airship that is part of a entire flotilla bound for the city of Brightspear... 

Over about midway through the multi-week journey across the Parch - a continent  in the Realm of Aqshy, the Flotilla was beset by a HORDE of the Disciples of Tzeentch - Daemons and Tzaangor flying through the air, of their own accord or riding on Discs of Tzeentch (which are really just another magical flying disc-shaped daemon that others can ride on...) over the Polychromatic Sea! 

The Soulbound and crew fought desperately against the Screamers and Tzaangors. Rorignir, at one point, strapped himself into one of the dead crews harness and clipped onto one of the safety lines and then hurled himself overboard at one of the flying Tzaangor - and actually hit it with his mighty axe! Despite their spirited defence, the ship eventually collided with another and crashed to the ground... 

in the Kindling Forest... A forest that burns eternally thanks to some weird Tzeentch magics and extremely fast-growing trees... 

On the forest floor amongst buring trees and the wreckage of the ship, they had to save trapped passengers while fighting off Tzaangor which continued to attack them... 

Eventually they made their way into a cave, which turned out to be a system of tunnels and caverns which they made their way through, hoping to reach the shore - where they'd seen another ship put down to affect repairs! 

Last week there was a rather large encounter with some of my Nighthaunts... 

Then there was supposed to be some encounters with some Gloomspite Gitz (goblins)... but I did not get enough of those painted in time... so this past week, they faced more Nighthaunts... but like and endless host of them that chased them through the caverns and tunnels all the way to the exit near the shore... 

I thought I'd bust out my caverns and tunnels terrain for them all to run through fleeing the ghosties! As they moved out of one area, I removed them, shifted the bunch that were on the table and added more at the other end! 

At the Soulbound player characters let the surviving crew and passengers run ahead, while they fought off as many of the pursuing nighthaunts. 

Evirach the Witch Hunter, Finnegan's character, went with the crew and passengers, he's not super useful in combat... but still better than the crew (and TOUGHER!). He tried to fend off any of the nighthaunts that tried to ambush them from the side - or block their way! 

Dollenorig, Amanda's Spite-Revenant character, took up the rear for the whole flight - fighting all sorts of Nighthaunts - Here she is facing a Chainghast and a Chainrasp... and about to be attacked by a Spirit Torment and a Bladegheist Revenant! 

A few times it looked like she might be overwhelmed and killed... but each time, Rorignir or Namakona would come to their aid! 

Rorignir is just a beast... Just a killing machine.  Due to the ethereal nature of the Nighthaunts, all damage was halved and that mean little dorf just one-shotted so many very nasty haunts... 

Namakona being stabbed by a Glavewraith! 

She was the only character with a magical attack - the Arcane Blast spell! 

The crew weren't terrible, they held their own against the hordes of Chainrasps... 

Another Chainghast attacking Dollenorig! 

Almost there... 

It was fun getting to use this terrain again! 

Three Chainrasps blocking their escape! 

Evirach had checked a different passage which turned out to be a dead end... with MORE nighthaunts! 

the Spite-Revenant fighting a PILE of Nighthaunts again! 

Roaragnir swining his mighty axe at more ghosties... 

The surviving passengers stumbling through the caves in near darkness... 

(maybe I should have shot it day-for-night with a blue filter...)

TWO Bladegheist Revenants caught up with them at the same time!! They are particularly nasty and dealt the most damage to the Characters... 

The last of the Horde seeing them all out! 

A lot of Aqua Ghyranis was chugged along the way... It's kind of a type of liquid currency... but also can be consumed as a sort of healing potion...? It's a weird setting... 

A few of the crew and couple of the passengers were injured along the way... some very close to being taken out... and I was alittle concerned it might end up being a massacre (I'm still sorting out the system and trying to get the balance right!) but in the end, only one Crew member was killed! 

they staggered out of the cave system and through a small bit of burning forest and were VERY releived to see the other ship that had set down was still there! The boarded and lifted off and continued their journey to Brightspear. 

For the most part, I like the system and setting... There are a few odd bits, but I try to not think about it too hard. Nick and Orion and Amanda and Finnegan and just a riot to play with!? I am looking forward to seeing what they get up to in Brightspear! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

First Aquisitions

It's only just half way through January and I'm already acquiring new things... Well... New to me things... On the plus side, I didn't spend any money on them! I traded away a PILE of World War Two Americans that I was just NEVER going to get around to painting... 

Orion was looking to get rid of a pile of Kairic Acolytes and a few Tzaangor. Do I really need MORE Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor!? No, probably not... but, at this point, I figure I'm far more likely to paint and play with these, than I am WW2 Americans. 

There are 35 Kairic Acolytes and 14 Tzaangor. In Age of Sigmar, both are fielded in units of ten.. So there are a few extras I don't super need... BUT the Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor that Finnegan got in his Warhammer Quest Games are weird numbers (18 Kairic Acolytes and 6 Tzaangor...?) So maybe I could paint up the spares and give them to him and then he'd have full units of 10/20... Y'know, just in case he ever decided to play Age of Sigmar with them...?!

A number of them are broken... but, conveniently, I have a pile of Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor new-on-the-sprue (from the Arcane Cataclysm box) and there are a LOT of options on each sprue, so I can totally repair any! 

It was a mix of regular US Army infantry, some Airborne infantry and a small handful of WW2 USMC! 

I also gave away a bonus copy of Bolt Action (first edition) that I had kicking around. Not sure how much the game has changed since then...? I bought the second edition rules at some point. but never played them. Now there's a THIRD edition out?! 

Hopefully they'll see some paint and play at their new home! Maybe I'LL get to play against them at some point!? 

The Lot I traded away has almost 100 miniatures in it, so... in terms of the overall number of unpainted miniatures, I now have FEWER!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Slaves to Darkness - Faction Update

I'd kind of wanted to assemble all the miniatures for all the faction and then take pictures so it would be clear finished/painted versus still-to-do/unpainted, but there was no way I'd be able to assemble ALL of the unassembled miniatures for this faction and be able to post it this month... or maybe even next month... or this QUARTER!? There is a LOT to DO!

This is what I have and what I still need to do for my Slaves to Darkness force as of the beginning of January 2025... 


These are all the Slaves to Darkness that I have finished! 


  • Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 160 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.
  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1)  120 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos
  • Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 130 - 0-1 Oathsworn, 0-1 Monster, Any Darkoath - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as an Oathsworn.
  • Ogroid Myrmidon (1)  150 - Any Ogroid Theridons,Any Monster, Any Daemon - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.



  • Fomoroid Crusher (1) 120 - Monster
  • Mindstealer Sphiranx 1 170 - Monster


  • Khagra’s Ravagers (4) 170 - Unique, Warriors of Chaos, Infantry

Endless Spells

  • The Realmscourge Rupture

This could currently be fielded as:

Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1)  120 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos
  • Ruinous Champion - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 160 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion
  • Khagra’s Ravagers (4) 170 - Unique, Warriors of Chaos, Infantry

Monsterous Regiment

  • Hero - Ogroid Myrmidon (1)  150 - Any Ogroid Theridons,Any Monster, Any Daemon - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.
  • Unit - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 120 - Monster
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx 1 170 - Monster

Darkoath Cavalry Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 130 - 0-1 Oathsworn, 0-1 Monster, Any Darkoath - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as an Oathsworn.

Total: 1020 points! 

A little heavy on Monsters and Heroes at the moment... but, as it turns out, if I finish off ONE of the Darkoath Fellriders, I'll have a playable force of EXACTLY 1000 points ready for Path to Glory... 

Still to DO!

This is all the Slaves to Darkness I still have to do...

It's a lot... 


  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Daemonic Steed (1) 150 - Any Slaves to Darkness (Anvil of Apotheosis)
  • Darkoath Warqueen (1) 120 - 0-1 Oathsworn, 0-1 Monster, Any Darkoath


  • Chaos Knights (5)  250 - Warriors of Chaos, Cavalry
  • Chaos Knights (5)  250 - Warriors of Chaos, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Darkoath Marauders (10) 80 -  Darkoath, Infantry
  • Darkoath Marauders (10) 80 -  Darkoath, Infantry
  • Darkoath Marauders (10) 80 -  Darkoath, Infantry
  • Darkoath Savagers (10) 100 - Darkoath, Infantry
  • Darkoath Wilderfiend (1) 140 - Darkoath, Beast
  • Ogroid Theridons (3)  180 - Infantry (old metal Chaos Ogors!) 


  • The Gnarlspirit Pack (4) 110 - Unique, Darkoath, Infantry
  • Corvus Cabal (9) 100 - Infantry

Endless Spells

  • The Darkfire Daemonrift
  • The Eightfold Doom-Sigil

Quite a LOT to do... I probably don't have to do it ALL right away... 

I have that unit of the Corvus Cabal to do - originally a Warcry warband, they were a unit in Age of Sigmar in 3rd edition, but have been taken out of production and moved into Legends... there are only nine in the box... but I do have the bonus Darkoath Marauder from the Free Miniature of the Month... I thought perhaps I might just spread them out among the Darkoath Marauder units... and call them Marauders...? 

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. Clearly a lot MORE To Do than Done!! 

When I am done, though, I should be able to field...

Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1)  120 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos
  • Ruinous Champion - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 160 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5)  250 - Warriors of Chaos, Cavalry
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5)  250 - Warriors of Chaos, Cavalry
  • Unit - Darkoath Wilderfiend (1) 140 - Darkoath, Beast

Total: 920

Monster Regiment

  • Hero - Ogroid Myrmidon (1)  150 - Any Ogroid Theridons,Any Monster, Any Daemon - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.
  • Unit - Ogroid Theridons (3)  180 - Infantry (old metal Chaos Ogors!) 
  • Unit - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 120 - Monster
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx 1 170 - Monster

Total: 620

Darkoath Cavalry Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 130 - 0-1 Oathsworn, 0-1 Monster, Any Darkoath - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as an Oathsworn.
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300 - Darkoath, Cavalry
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300 - Darkoath, Cavalry

Total: 1030

Darkoath Warqueen's Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Warqueen (1) 120 - 0-1 Oathsworn, 0-1 Monster, Any Darkoath
  • Unit - Darkoath Savagers (10) 100 - Darkoath, Infantry
  • Unit - Darkoath Marauders (20) 160 -  Darkoath, Infantry
  • Unit - Darkoath Marauders (20) 160 -  Darkoath, Infantry

Total: 540

Army Total: 3110!?

Perhaps I went a bit overboard with these... 

Options! I just have a LOT of OPTIONS!!

I can take the Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment and the Darkoath Cavalry Regiment... and that's 1950 points right there! And it's (almost) entirely MOUNTED!! Only the Chaos Sorcerer Lord and Darkoath Wilderfiend won't be mounted... (Unless I'm just playing a Narrative Play game and using the Anvil of Apotheosis Chaos Sorcerer Lord on a Daemonic Mount! which would bring the total to 1970 points!!) 


The plan IS to work on these and the Soulblight Gravelords for the first part of the year. 

The priorities in this force will be:

1) one unit of five Darkoath Fellriders - so I can have a 1000-point Path to Glory army... going to try and get that ready by the weekend!!

Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1)  120 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos
  • Ruinous Champion - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 160 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion

Darkoath Cavalry Regiment

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 130 - 0-1 Oathsworn, 0-1 Monster, Any Darkoath - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as an Oathsworn.
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150 - Darkoath, Cavalry

Monsterous Regiment

  • Hero - Ogroid Myrmidon (1)  150 - Any Ogroid Theridons,Any Monster, Any Daemon - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.
  • Unit - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 120 - Monster
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx 1 170 - Monster
Army Total: 1000

B) The Darkoath Warqueen, the Darkoath Savagers, and ten of the Darkoath Marauders - so I can have a Spearhead army to theoretically play with (in case anyone wanted to play Spearhead again!?) 

iii) Get working on ALL THE CHAOS KNIGHTS, and ALL THE DARKOATH FELLRIDERS!!! for that massive all-cavalry horde!! MWA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-ha-ha-haaaaaa.....! 


Is there really ANYTHING I could still possibly want to get for this force!? 


I mean, maybe... at some point... 

For now, I'm totally good! But maybe next year, or after I've gotten all (or at least MOST!) of the stuff I have painted, there are a few things I might consider picking up for fun...

The Centaurian Marshall looks really cool (and fits with the mounted theme of the force!) 

Maybe the Chaos Beasts (Furies and Raptoyrx) they'd be fun for small encounters in the role-playing game or usefull in skirmish games...

There are a few other monsters that look fun; the Mutalith Vortex Beast or Slaughterbrute (same model kit, that can be built different ways!) 

I'm not sure I care at all about Be'lakor, the Dark Master, first of the Daemon Princes... or Archaon, the Everchosen... or even the Varangard (despite the mounted theme to the force!) 

Maybe a Daemon Prince... because that could be used in 40K as well! 

Also, if I could track down a unit of the Unmade (another Warcry warband) I'd love some of those! 

Side Note

I also have this assortment of old metal Chaos figures - in vasious stages of painting/repainting... Some will probably just be used in role-playing games... but I think it would be fun to work some of them into the battle game... 

I could use the Sorcerer as is (or maybe rebase it to 40mm base (the current size for Chaos Sorcerers... but add some other elements because it will look like a tiny figure on a 40mm base all alone!) 

The unit of Disciples of the Red Redemption (which I have pained purple...) I might rebase onto 28mm bases and just call them Darkoath Marauders!? 


Of course... just after I initially posted this... I got thinking about things and realized there was ANOHER option to finish up a 1000 point force for the Path to Glory campaign!? THIS one makes use of the Anvil of Apotheosis Hero from the Claves to Darkness Battletome!? 

Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Daemonic Steed (1) 150 - Any Slaves to Darkness (Anvil of Apotheosis)
  • Ruinous Champion - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 160 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion
  • Unit Chaos Knights (5)  250 - Warriors of Chaos, Cavalry

Total: 560

Monstrous Regiment

  • Hero - Ogroid Myrmidon (1)  150 - Any Ogroid Theridons, Any Monster, Any Daemon - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.
  • Unit - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 120 - Monster
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx 1 170 - Monster

Total: 440

Army Total: 1000

Advantages... only TWO regiments... not-so-much to paint... I get to use the actual Mounted Chaos Sorcerer Lord!

Disadvantages... not a lot of boots-on-the-ground to hold objectives...? (I guess it's really only four less hooves on the ground, as it removes the Darkoath Chieftan on Warsteed and five Darkoath Fellriders, and replaces them with five Chaos Knights... so one less model...) 

So maybe this week I'll be assembling and painting five Chaos Knights!? (and finishing up the Mounted Chaos Sorcerer Lord!? 

Oh... TECHNICALLY I may have to reorganize that... 

While the Anvil of Apotheosis Sorcerer Lord does say ANY Slaves to Darkness... it does not specify that it can include a Ruinous Champion, like the regular Chaos Sorcerer Lord... so, if someone was being a stickler... I would have to organize it thusly... 

Chaos Sorcerer Lord General's Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Daemonic Steed (1) 150 - Any Slaves to Darkness (Anvil of Apotheosis)
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5)  250 - Warriors of Chaos, Cavalry
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx 1 170 - Monster

Total: 570

Monstrous Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 160 - 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster, Any Warriors of Chaos - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion
  • Ruinous Champion - Ogroid Myrmidon (1)  150 - Any Ogroid Theridons, Any Monster, Any Daemon - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Ruinous Champion.
  • Monster  - Fomoroid Crusher (1) 120 - Monster

Total: 430

Army Total: 1000

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Ten - Another Disastrous Scavenge Journey!

Our Warhammer Quest game has, at least temporarily, moved to Sundays, as Finnegan is kind of, sort of, maybe taking a night class on Wednesdays (when we'd previously been playing)... 

Hey, remember that Utterly Disastrous Scavenge Journey, where everything went from bad almost instantly and then just got worse with every single activation and all the characters were taken out of action...? The ONLY Journey of the last nine that ended in failure...? Amanda and Finnegan decided to take THE SAME CREW on another Scavenge Journey! I think they felt like they needed to prove to themselves and the rest of the crew that they were capable and could DO that kind of journey... What could go wrong? 

Cleona Zeitengale was the first out of the dropzone and tried to blast a few rats out of the way...

Before anyone else could act, a Vykros Blood-Born was upon them! 

I think Octren Glimscry took down the feral vampire...? 

Qulathis the Exile moved to help Cleona, who had gotten herself into a spot of bother When she got swarmed by the corpse rats... and some zombies... AND a Kosargi Nightguard!?  

Dagnai Holdenstock shot the Kosargi Nightguard with his giant harpoon gun and DRAGGED the undead ogor right out of the room... and into contact with himself. 

Holdenstock did not finish off the Ogor, who then charged back into contact with Qlathis, Glimscry, AND Zeitengale and dealt serious blows to ALL THREE!!

Things were not looking great for Glimscry... 

Zeitengale moved out of the room with all the Zombies and Corpse Rats... Glimscry was unable to flee... briefly tried to recover... 

But then got chewed on my MORE Corpse Rats! If they'd done one more damage, he'd have been out of action! 

Just as they'd eliminated the first Kosargi Nightguard, ANOTHER one came lumbering up!

He was followed by Captain Halgrim and a few Ulfenwatch... 

Cleona had stepped aside to take a breather... but found herself surrounded by MORE Corpse Rats!? 

Dagnai and Qulathis tried to engage the Watch Captain and Nightguard from a distance... Glimscry was desperately trying to recover... 

He looks like a feeble old man, most of the time, but he IS a master of Death Magiks and can actually recover from quite serious wounds, farily quickly... 

If it weren't enough they had to deal with TWO Kosargi Nightguards, a Vyrkos Blood-Born Vampire, AND Watch Captain Halgrim.... Gorslav the Gravekeeper showed up with a few Zombies in tow... 

What Glimscry CAN'T do is remove infected conditions, and for that he needed help from Cleona! 

AFter Gorslav was dealt with, they had a bit of a moment to take a breath and Dagnai ran around trying to investigate Mysterious Objects as quick as he could (and he CAN, VERY QUICKLY!!!) 

And then Finnegan stopped being able to roll anything above a 3 on Dagni's activation dice OR on the destiny dice and he coudln't search ANYTHING  for a few rounds... 

So he tried helping out with some of the undead shuffling around

He'd heard a cry from Octren Glimscry and came running just in time to see him fighting by Watch Captain Halgrim and his Ulfenwatch! 

ANOTHER Kosargi Nightguard!?

And then suddenly it seemed the board was swarming with Ulfenwatch... while Watch Captain Halgrim was present... AND Night fell... and Holdenstock and Glimscry were overwhelmed by the Ulfenwatch and cut down! 

Zeitengale and Qulathis were busy dealing with the Kosargi Night guard and their own bunch of Ulfenwatch! 

Having dealt with them, Qulathis ran back and destroyed the Watch Captain... but could not find their friends... 

Then, suddenly, she was being swarmed by Gorslav the Gravekeeper... AGAIN!? How do they keep coming back so QUICKLY!? 

Qlathis tried to dash away, checking a Mysterious Object along the way (but drew a trap card... and then a crisis card... aye-yi-yi!) 

Zeitengale and Qulathis decided there was no way they could fight Gorslav and all the Zombies, so they tried to out run them... but they could NOT outrun a Vyrkos Blood-Born! 

Cleona dealt with the Vampire while Qlathis checked the Mysterious Object... (and drew ANOTHER trap... followed by ANOTHER crisis card?!) 

Cleona tried searching and found some precious realmstone...

But their enemies were closing in on them... 

Qulathis tried to hold off the Zombies while Zeitengale tried to make a run for it, smashing a pair of Ulfenwatch along the way... 

She actually got to a TENTH Mysterious Object... which meant if she could just make it to the extraction area, the Journey would have been a success! 

Alas ANOTHER Vyrkos Blood-Born appeared (the FOURTH this game!?) 

And it kept her busy while all the other hostiles advanced... 

Eventually she was swarmed by Zombies and taken down... 

I don't know what it is with this group...?! Are they CURSED!? It might be time to break them up as a team... 

Luckily, NO ONE ACTUALLY DIED!! But they did roll a rather awful Extraction Event - the next Journey will be played AFTER Nightfall... 

They decided they might try and do a Hunt Journey... but just like make for the exit and hole up in a bottleneck and wait for the Monsters to come to them and take them apart one by one and then fuck off onto the Adamant and escape! 

The Level Two encounters ARE tougher... Just looking at the cards beforehand, I didn't think they'd make THAT much of a difference... but Gorslav and Halgrim coming out WITH Zombies and WITH Skeletons, respectively, multiple times, is pretty nasty... 

Regardless of success or failure on the Scavenge Journey, bot Fear and Influence grew by one... Both are now at four, which, honestly, isn't that bad... 

I've decided to use the tiles for Radukar and each of this lieutenants and keep them on the board until they have been taken out... (originally, I'd left them off and thought I'd put them on as they were taken out... like... as trophies... but I though this way might work better, visually. I can't find any guidlines in the book on HOW this is supposed to be used, so I guess it's up to me, anyway...?

The real downside of failing a mission - apart from the possibility of CHARACTERS DYING (it's only one in twelve...) is they didn't gain any experience... and the next Decapitation Journey is not getting any closer... I wonder if, rather than working on getting ALL the Heroes up to Level Two if it might be better to concentrate on one team... get them to Level Two and then after that start working the level ones into missions WITH the Level twos (because if a Hero is included in a Journey with others of higher levels, they gain experience faster!

We shall see... 

We may be back to playing on Wednesday this week, as Finnegan's changed his class schedule around, dropping the Wednesday evening course and taking something on Monday afternoons, instead!