Thursday, November 12, 2009

Little Painting Update

Nothing much… just one guy… Not a Saxon…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

This is a Legend of the Five Rings “Kuni Witch Hunter”. I’m not sure who originally produced these, but this one is currently being produced by Valiant Miniatures. I’ve recently picked up a few other L5R Clan War minis off ebay. He’ll probably see some action on Savage Saturday in the near future. I have a few more polluting my workbench – which is supposed to be free of things not Anglo-Saxon or Norse-Irish….

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Not Anglo-Saxons… or even Irish…

I’m just finishing up the basing details of a stand of ECW pikemen!? Short version of a long story I wanted to paint one stand so I could see if I could cram 8 of these Old Glory pikemen on there… It’s for long range planning purposes and determining exactly how many stands of pike – and thus how many ECW-DBA armies I might be able to get out of the vast hoard of ECW-ish lead I traded away all my 15mm DBA armies for…

As mentioned I also have a number of L5R figures I’m tempted to paint a few of… and some other surprises sitting on the workbench…. Hey, I still have two weeks to finish up the Anglo-Saxon AND Irish armies…

Oh dear…


  1. Is he holding a tiki torch? there is one missing from my patio...

  2. Did your tiki torch have a glowing green gem in it..?

  3. No, my wife wouldn't go for that. I never get what I want... .
