Saturday, November 26, 2016

German Trench Mortar

I haven't been terribly productive this past week for… reasons… Largely I spent a couple evenings just taking stock. I’ve been getting distracted thinking about future projects. NEW future projects and I thought perhaps it was time to do a little stocktaking – mostly to shame myself into not considering any new projects for the next year or so… but more on that in another post….

I DID manage, in the meantime, to finish up this little German trench mortar team from Great War Miniatures.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Lovely little kit. Very easy to put together.

I particularly appreciate the little details GWM throws in with these kits – the case with mortar bombs and rifle, etc.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Perhaps another battalion of Great War Canadians…

Or perhaps a bit about the stock-taking I did over the last week. honestly I’m a little embarrassed to post the figures…

Anyone care to guess at how many 28mm figures I have and what portion of them are actually painted?

I tell you what - if I get at least six guesses I'll post the results.  


  1. A good guess, Stu... a very nice exact number.

    But consider I had over 8000 foot and another 500 mounted back in October of 2009 (of which about 4000 foot and 150 mounted were already painted) when I last did this in October of 2009:

    and looking at the total acquired and painted that I keep track of over on the left there... (current year is near the top, scroll to the bottom for the previous years...) I have a bought a painted quite a few more in the previous seven years...

  2. You seem to be in the high hundreds every year. I'm going to guess, 13,400 with 6,300 painted.

  3. 17,000 painted and 900 unpainted. Nice mortar team by the way.

    Is project planning and taking stock one of our favorite hobby activities? It is for me!

    1. Good gracious, no!

      (I wish!?)

      Closer on the total - put nowhere near that many painted! (You did read the bit about being embarrassed to post the tie figures, right?)

  4. Lovely trench mortar, I really like the spades worn by two of the chaps, lots of nice detail, and I guess if you have 20,000 figures and just under half are painted it's fine because a:you cast a load of them yourself and b:the rest of them were bargains and inflation is coming along so really you've saved money when you bought them! Yeah well...
    Best Iain

    1. You know me waaaaaay too well.... it's a little frightening...

  5. A wonderful vignette, very nice work Tim! Cheers!
