Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Great War Germans

After a good solid evening of painting I’m feeling back in the saddle and a bit more positive about the prospects of getting all this done one time…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

This is what I managed to finish up last night. Some were worked on over the last week – a bit, here and there…

Command figures from Great War Miniatures - these will make up the command element for the 79th Reserve Infantry Division.

Assorted German casualty markers – also from Great War Miniatures.

A few of my own castings – enough to finish up the 262nd Reserve Infantry Regiment.

262nd Reserve Infantry Regiment – all of my own castings.

79th Reserve Infantry Division so far – including the 261st Reserve Infantry Regiment and 262nd Reserve Infantry Regiment. I still need to finish up three battalions to complete the 263rd Reserve Infantry Regiment. Add in a few machine-guns and mortars and the 79th Reserve Infantry Division will be complete!

I guess I COULD paint up some artillery – the two regiments of the 79th Reserve Field Artillery Brigade… but as they will not be on the table, I likely won’t in time for the BIG GAME! Mind you, The Divisional command will likely not be present on the table either, so….

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

MORE Great War Germans!

(or some minor distractions!) 


  1. I love the guy on the field telephone. The other officer is pretty nice too.

    1. I love pretty much everything Great War Miniatures produces - they're all so full of character!


  2. Tim, nice figures, looking around the blogs, it looks like post New Year, quite a lot of gamers (myself included) have picked up their brushes again and got into a routine. It actually feels quite nice to be productive in that regard.

    1. Thanks Norm!

      I know a lot of the people who write a lot of the blogs I follow are very productive around this time of year because they are participating in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.
