Monday, September 23, 2019

A Few More Epic 40K Minis

I finished up a few more Epic minis over the weekend...

Four plastic Whirlwinds.

Seven metal Vindicators (I already have another painted for a total of eight). not sure if any of those things out front count as a Siege Shield...?)

All of these will probably be organized into two Spearhead detachments of four Vindicators and two Whirlwinds. I can't seem to find my Apocalypse rules. But I'm pretty sure Spearhead Detachment can have a maximum of six Heavy Support - of which all of these are... (so I can't put ALL the vindicators in one big detachment!)

Here's something odd... I have a detachment with four squads of Terminators... and a captain n terminator armour. To transport those Terminators I thought I'd use Land Raiders... unfortunately Terminators are Elites and land raiders are NOT considered Transports - they're considered Heavy Support! A Vanguard Detachment can have up to SIX Elites, but only two Heavy Support... A Spearhead Detachment can have up to SIX Heavy Support... but only two Elites!? WTF!?

I also finished up a couple more Eldar bikes. The two smaller elements will be more Warlocks on Skyrunners to lead Squadrons of Windriders. The larger is a Vyper I've painted up in motley to use as a Voidweaver for my small detachment of Harlequins.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I should have a post with pictures of ALL the marines in the force - just shy of 400 Power Level - just like the Eldar.


  1. Great stuff Tim! I always love Epic miniatures, and the brushwork here is top shelf!

    1. Thanks Greg! I love these old vindicators - it may not be obvious from the photo, but there are a bout 5-6 different variants, all loaded down with different kit having off the sides and back and on the rear deck and some slung under the gun! It seems a little odd, though, as I don't think I've EVER seen any other 40K Marine vehicles festooned with kit and stuff. I kind f have the feeling their equipment was designed so perfectly that there is always space inside for anything they need, and also they'll never be in combat lag enough to need worry about having sleeping bags and tents and spare rations and ammo strapped down to every stable spot on the exterior surface. They look like they should be in the guard - but these were manufactured long after the days were The Guard used marine vehicles like Rhinos and all their variants!
