Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Kamp Kill Team Campaign - Day Two

Tuesday was Day Two of the Kamp Kill Team Campaign.

You can find out what happened on Day One Here if you missed it:

Kamp Kill Team Campaign - Day One


Tyranids vs. Orks

Kicking things off, the Tyranids finally faced the Green Menace!

Scenario: Extreme Measures
Sector Munitorum - Scavenged Bounty

Scout Phase:
Tyranids: Take Forward Positions
Orks: Set Traps

Orks all set up and ready to go - there were six objective markers (the barrels) that had to have demolition charges set on them - by use of a 1 Command Point tactic. The charges could be removed via a similar 1 Command Point tactic. If there were more barrels with charges on them than not at the end of the game the attacker (Tyranids) would win.

Tyranids - ready to go. That kid has taken "Take Forward Positions" EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. and no one's thought to make use of the Eliminate Sentries strategy against him!?

As with most games - especially those involving Orks or Tyranids the action devolved into a big melee in the middle of the Kill Zone.

The Tyranid Warrior Combat Specialist took out the Orks leader, Burny Sandurz, in the second round! Then took out Burnabas later in the round! Things were looking bad...

But then the Orks totally turned it around and TABLED the Tyranids by the end of Round Three!! BOOM!

Burny Sandurz and Burnabas were just fine. The Boyz all collected 1XP, as did Burny Sandurz - which brought Burny to Level 2 (he gained the Bold ability). The Demolitions Specialist, Zealot, and combat Specialist all managed to use their Tactic and so gained 2XP which brought the Demolitions Specialist and the Zealot to Level 2. The Demolitions Specialist took the Pyromaniac ability (of course!) and the Zealot took Exalted. For winning the scenario the Orks GAINED +1 Morale and so were back up to where they started at the beginning of the campaign!?

All the tyrannies survived and would be available for their next game. The Tyranid Leader reached Level 2 gaining the Bold ability. For failing to plant the charges the Tyranids lost 1 Morale.

Harlequins vs. Chaos Space Marines

Scenario: Ambush
Sector Mechanicus - Artificial Earthquakes

Scout Phase:
Chaos - Scout Enemy Forces
Harlequins - Eliminate Sentries

The Harlequins were Ambushing the Heretic Astartes and had to prevent at lest four from getting off the table edge. The board is small and the Chaos forces deployment zone allowed hem to deploy up to half way across the table. Two turns of advancing could see them off. The Artificial Earthquakes proved an interesting challenge. Each turn they had to roll a die - on a 1 or 2 the ground shook and everything became difficult terrain - effectively halving all movement... except for the Harlequins, which can move across terrain as if it is not there... The firs three rounds we were halving the Harlequins before we remembered that rule and figured it should apply.

THREE of the four turns they played there were quakes, significantly slowing the Heretics escape.

In the end both lost three of their fighters.

The ended, however, before the forces of Chaos could get enough guys off to win!?

They were SO close, one more turn and three more would have escaped!?

Stabpants, the veteran, was severely wounded and would have to sit out the following action. The two other Harlequin casualties quickly recovered from their wounds. All the specialists gained +1XP and the Players fire team gained +2 XP. Raining Pouring, the Harlequin Medic, made it to Level 2 and gained the Field Medic ability.

The three Marines that were taken out of action during the game recovered from their wounds. All the specialists gained +1XP and the Chaos Space Marines fire team gained +2 XP, which brought them to Level 2 and they gained the Courageous ability (re-roll nerve tests). the Zealot also made it to Level 2, but I'm not sure what ability he selected... The Marines lost 1 Intelligence and 1 Territory.


After Round Three we took a break and had lunch and then did some Kill Team Boot Camp training....

... one the climbing wall...

The girl showing them how it's done.


Harlequins vs. Tyranids

Scenario: Sweep and Clear
Sector Munitorum - Unstable Cargo

Scout Phase: BOTH took the Take Forward Positions strategy... so after deployment they'd have to roll off and see who actually did get to make use of it. The loser of the roll would not.

It was the Harlequins that won that roll and a pair of their players lunged forward

the Harlequins made some really, REALLY bad charge rolls and couldn't make it to their targets on the first turn, so the Tyranids ended up charging them - without overwatch fire - and getting to fight first!

By the end of Round Three there were only two Harlequins on the table and two Tyranid Warriors with 2-3 wounds each, plus a pair of Hormagaunts sitting on a pair of Objective markers (worth 3 points at the end of the game. There was no way the Harlequins could kill enough and seize objective markers in the next turn or two to win the game, so they opted for a Strategic withdrawal.

Four Harlequins were taken out of action during the game, all survived and will return to action when we resume tomorrow - along with Stabpants, who was convalescing this game. Everybody got +1XP. The Harlequins lost 2 Territory.

The Tyranid Warrior and two Genestealers that were taken out of action likewise survived. Both the Leader and the Combat Specialist Tyranid Warriors gained +2XP (for using their specialist tactics) and the Hormagaunts gained +1XP, finally making it to Level 2 (and gaining the Courageous ability)

Orks vs. Chaos Space Marines

Scenario: Stealth Siphon
Sector Mechanicus - Gouts of Flame

Scouting Phase... Well... this was weird. In the Scouting Phase both players select one of six, pre-game scouting strategies. They place a die with the number corresponding to the strategy on the table and cover it with their hands and simultaneously reveal them - some strategies cancel each other out, some allow Kill Teams an advantage IF the other Kill Team takes a specific strategy... So Finnegan had his die on the table and covered with one hand, the Chaos player had his covered with one hand while the other was still on the die... when I told them to reveal their strategy, Finnegan revealed his, the Chaos player looked at it, turned his own die - TWICE - and then revealed it!? Now, I don't know about you, but to me, that looks an awful lot like CHEATING! I asked what he was doing, and he said he "didn't mean to"...? Now I'm not sure if he meant he "didn't mean to" change the die (twice!?) or he "didn't mean to" set it down on the number he had, realized the mistake and tried to change it to what he'd originally intended... I just said his didn't count, whatever it was and we moved on...

However, later in the round I was watching the game and it seemed to me the Chaos team had a lot more guys - almost the entire team he'd started with - which he shouldn't have as everyone was now at Level 2 and for each level every specialist increases in value 4 points and each non-specialist increases by 1 point... When I added up what he had, I realized he was playing with 107 points worth of stuff - the limit is 100 - he had should have had one less Marine or two less Cultists! As the cultists were already out of action I asked him to removed one of the Chaos Space Marines as a casualty and let them play on. He said he didn't know how much they were - despite the fact that I had told EVERYONE, REPEATEDLY to ensure they increased the point value of their warriors as they increased in level and recalculate the value of their Kill Teams to ensure that they weren't playing with more than 100 points in each game.

I don't know... is this guy doing it on purpose? I've heard it said: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity...? I don't think this guy is that thick, though...? He is 10, I guess... but still...

they finished the game and the Chaos Space Marines won...

Burny Sandurz and 'Artburn both recovered and gained an extra XP on the recovery table AND 'Artburn had used his specialist tactic so he gained +3XP and Burny gained +2XP. Burn'ard gained +2 XP and everyone else gained +1XP. Burnabus and Shanka were seriously wounded enough that they'll have to miss their next game. The Orks only lost 1 Materiel for their defeat.

The wounded Chaos Marines and Cultists all recovered. The Heavy Specialist gained +2 XP and the rest gained +1XP. The Forces of Chaos gained +1 Materiel for their victory.

Standings after Day Two:

Intelligence: 10
Materiel: 10
Morale: 9
Territory: 10
Total: 39 - 3 wins, 1 loss

Intelligence: 10
Materiel: 9
Morale: 10
Territory: 10
Total: 39 - 2 wins, 2 losses

Heretic Astartes 
Intelligence: 9
Materiel: 11
Morale: 8
Territory: 9
Total: 37 - 2 wins, 2 losses

Intelligence: 8
Materiel: 10
Morale: 10
Territory: 7
Total: 35 1 win, 3 losses

Harlequins are just not the bad-ass killing machines they were in Shadow War: Armageddon!

The forces are getting a little smaller, but a little bit meaner too - with all their new abilities. By the end of tomorrow, most will be at Level 3... and be some hard-hitting muthfukkaz.


We all retired to the Hobby/Art Room in the basement and did some painting while listening to another 40K Audio Drama.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Kamp Kill Team Campaign - Day Three!

Maybe some more terrain for Kill Team/40K at some point... or maybe some new Kill Team/40K minis.

Next week there will probably be some new Kill Zone Terrain (DEATHWORLD!) and a Drukhari Kill Team - both are being released on Saturday and I'll be picking them up - along with a few other things. The Drukhari Kill Team is for Amanda. We actually HAVE a bunch of Drukhari already, but another squad of Wyches never did any Drukhari player any harm - besides it come with more Deathworld terrain (and the Drukhari cards and tokens and such). I've already based and primed a few Drukhari Kabalites for this new Kill Team.

I have a feeling that Finnegan will also be picking up the Deathwatch Kill Team starter - as he's been showing considerable interest in the chapter lately...


  1. Sounds like an interesting campaign system and a cool game, especially for multiple players.

    That's unfortunate about that one kid's mistakes (being charitable). I think you probably handled it as well as could be under the circumstances, canceling out the opening strategy choice and removing the extraneous figure. Not sure what else you could do.

    I hope everyone is having fun!

    1. I think everyone is having fun. Mostly. Though, we did finish both our games a LOT earlier yesterday and when I gave them the option of playing a third, no one seemed to want to - they wanted to paint or "do something else".

      Well... maybe the Tyranid player would have played again...

  2. Lots of games,weird that the Harlequins aren't as all powerful as they were before and I usually go for cock up before conspiracy, think you called it right.
    Best Iain

  3. Looks like a blast - wish you could have been my dad!

    About the Harlequins - have they been fixed in Kill Team or a bit unlucky? They seemed nigh untouchable in Shadow War

    1. I would say they're not as brutal as in Shadow War: Armageddon. They don't get Troupe Masters or Death Jesters or Shadow Masters or anything. But that girl can roll an awful lot of ONES!?

      Her Harlequins also aren't armed with their best weapons - over half just have harlequins blades - S3, no AP - they do little against T4 Orks and Marines in 3+ power armour or tyranid Warriors. They really need the Harlequin Kisses, Caresses, and Embraces to have a hope at cracking those cans... I'm pretty sure they would make a mess of my Imperial guard infantry! (I should probably get in a game with her before she gets too discouraged!)

      She also hasn't been playing terribly aggressively and hasn't really been making use of the Tactic cards and command points, whereas the Boyz have figured that out...
