Sunday, July 7, 2019

Eldar Tempest Heavy Grav Tank

In preparation for some Apocalyptic action this weekend, I finished up the first of my (three) Eldar Tempest Heavy Grav Tanks the I have. this first one, I picked up last fall, I picked another up a month or so ago... and the third, well... it's still in the mail. But I figured I might as well get three so I could field a full Super Heavy Detachment with them.

An old Eldar Tempest Heavy Grav Tank produced by Armorcast under license from GW.

Now, there aren't any rules for a Tempest Heavy Grav-Tank anymore... but there is the Scorpion, which is armed with a "Twin Scorpion Pulsar" so I figured that's close enough...

In it's day it was a pretty big model... compared to the original rhinos and the Falcon's that armorcast made... now... I guess it's still bigger than the current plastic Falcons, so... hopefully I can still get away with it!

When I actually finish painting one of the Falcons I have, I'll post some pictures of them together for scale.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Played our first Apocalypse games - with the new rules - this afternoon, so hopefully I'll get a brief report up about that. (Only got through one and a half turns - mind you I was the only one that's read the rules... and most of the players haven't even played THAT much 40K.... and I read them when I was super tired... so there was a lot of looking up of things.. but it was fun and once we've got the rules down, I think we'll be able to crank through some seriously epic games in a MUCH shorter period of time.


  1. Very nice paint job on a cool looking model. I think an exotic model should have an exotic camo.

    1. These are my feelings exactly. Alien, should look alien!


  2. Very nice work! I like the colors and the blacklining and edge highlights really bring it to life. It's the right amount of color, camo and detailing so it's not too boring and not too busy.

    1. Thanks! These old resin models had just the right amount of detail. Some of the new plastic kits are overwhelming just to assemble them, let alone trying to tackle painting!

  3. Very cool! A classic casting, nice work.

  4. Super looking heavy tank! Great choice of colours too!
    Best Iain
