Saturday, July 25, 2020

Last of the 8th

Ogbog Squigbita - Weirdboy of a small Snakebites clan of Orks - found the Orks in his tribe getting a little... despondent... They were trapped on a desolate moon at the ass end of space. They'd killed everything on the planet and fought with (and killed) most of the other Orks worth fighting. They needed purpose. They needed WAAAAAAGH! 

So he got a kooky idea in his weird head - he would have them build a shrine to Mork (or... was it Gork?) and have them chant to gain the favour of the greenskins gods and with that and the power of the Warp (and the WAAAAAAGH!), perhaps Gork (or... was it Mork?) would transport them off of this desolate rock to somewhere with something worth fighting'!?

So they build their effigy of Mork (or... was it Gork?) and Ogbog Squigbita led them in the chanting:

"The Powah uv da Ogbog Squigbita WAAAAAAGH Crumb-pells you!"


"The Powah uv da Ogbog Squigbita WAAAAAAGH Con-Funds you!?"


"The Powah uv da Ogbog Squigbita WAAAAAAGH Crowd-Funds you!"


and with that all about them started swirling about like a bizarre kaleidoscope - then there was a blinding flash of light.... and the realized... they were right where they started.... 

There was a moment of disappointment, until they realized they were not alone! Gork (or... was it Mork?) had not brought them to WAAAAAAGH, Mork (or... was it Gork?) brought the WAAAAAGH to THEM!!

Finnegan and I decided to get one last game of 8th in before 9th is released tomorrow (except that by the time you read this... it probably will BE tomorrow in most places, so... later today... or Saturday, 25 JULY 2020 - if you're reading this at some other time entirely).

Actually it was me that wanted to play one more game and Finnegan willingly obliged.

Actually, it was more 9th edition rules we were playing (with the free Core Rules pdf that was released a few weeks ago), which we've been playing for the last few weeks. It's been a bit of a mash-up of those 9th Core Rules and bits of other rules I've picked up from reading previews on Warhammer Community's website and bits of 8th when we forget or need to fill something in...

In reality it was just the last game I logged as 8th edition on Board Game Geek. The 50th. I've played - or at least ran - 50 games of Warhammer 40K since 8th edition was released almost 3 years ago.


We just played the Only War mission (also released with the 9th Edition Core Rules pdf)

We played a combat Patrol - Each with 25 Power Level.

Game is played over 5 Rounds

Victory Points are scored at the end of each players Command Phase - 1 point for each Objective Marker they control, +1 if they control MORE than their enemy. Also a bonus +1 Victory Point is awarded for slaying the enemy warlord.


Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marines

Patrol Detachment (Cost: 2CP, Command Benefit: +2 CP if including Warlord)
Legion Trait: Flawless Perfection

HQ - Xoilaz Gafar - Sorceress - PR6
Warlord Ability: Stimulate by Pain
Artifact: Intoxicating Elixer
Psychic Abilities: Smire, Infernal Gaze, Diabolic Strength

Troops - Noise Marines (5) - PR6
Troops - Noise Marines (5) - PR6
Heavy Support - Venomcrawler - PR7

Snakebites Clan Orks
Patrol Detachment (Cost: 2CP, Command Benefit: +2 CP if including Warlord)

HQ - Ogbog Squigbita - Weird Boy - PR3
Warlord Ability: Surly as a Squiggoth
Artifact: Scorched Git Bonez
Psychic Abilities: Smite, Warpath,

Troops - Boyz (20) - PR7
Heavy Support - Gorkanot - PR15



The Orks were the first to recover from the shock of the Warp Portal and charged their new found enemies!

Random fire caused one wound on the Venomcrawler (which I regained at the beginning of my turn... because... DAEMON ENGINE!) and took out a Noise Marine!

Except I used a command Point to re-roll that Saving Throw and so the Noise Marine survived!

DAMN, I love playing forces that can actually PASS saving throws!

The orks seized two Objective Markers in their first move. If not shifted from them they would be gaining 2VP at the end of their next Command Phase.

There were two other Objective Markers: the Hatch, dead ahead of the Venomcrawler, and another in the ruins of the Orange Building.

What to do... What to do...

One squad of Noise Marines moved up to cover of the Plasma Conduit, while the other advanced to the Organe building to seize the Objective Marker within. Not advancing with that first Squad of Noise Marines and grabbing the other objective was a mistake that probably cost me the game (SPOILERS!) - I guess I figured the Venomcrawler was on it, so id didn't matter...

Xoilaz Gafar destroyed 3 Orks with SMITE! Fire from the Noise Marines took out 2 more Orks.

But then, after the Venomcrawler had pumped a few rounds of it's Excruciator Cannon... It decided to just go ahead and CHARGE THE ORKS!?

Take the fight to the Enemy, I thought. It'll get me further up the field and close to the other Objectives, I thought. The Scary Gorkanot won't be able to shoot it if it's in melee, I thought...

The Weird Boy did a Heroic Intervention.

The Venomcrawler took out four Ork Boyz in it's initial charge and took three wounds! (Somehow the Nob with the Power Klaw wasn't quite able to get in close enough with the pile in move!)

Despite losing 9 Orks in the first round, they passed morale when Finnegan rolled a ONE!


The Orks scored THREE Victory Points! Two for the Objective Markers they controlled and an additional one because they controlled MORE than the Chaos Space Marines!


Ogbog Squigbita tried to summon the powers of the warp and cast War Path... but Xoilaz Gafar DENIED that! BOOM!

So the Gorkanot blew apart one of the Noise Marines...

These guys were kind of left to their own devices... the battle kind of left them out...

In the melee the Venomcrawler took out three 2 more Orks... and then the Box Nob with the Power Kalk got into the action... and scored THREE HITS... and then the ALL wounded... and then... the all rolled 1 for their D3 wounds... and the Venomcrawler did not just die right there!

When the Chaos Space Marines moved, these guys consolidated their position in the ruins of the orange building... and then just sat there on the Objective Marker... and felt like they were being left out - like maybe THEY should be getting in on that melee in the green building next door! I mean, they're NOISE MARINES!? Noise Marines don't just sit and hold objectives!? That crap is for Cultists!? WHERE WERE THE DAMNED CULTISTS!?

Well... this was my VERY FIRST ACTUAL GAME with the Chaos Space Marines - despite having been working on them the last six months - and having a playable forces for over half that time!?

Lessons were learned...

The Chaos Space Marines also only gained ONE Victory Point at the end of their Command Phase, for holding the solitary Objective Marker (Orks winning, 3-1!)

Noise Marines moved up to seize a second Objective Marker. Xoilaz Gafar moved up and attempted to blast... something...? with Infernal Gaze, but failed - but did give the Venomcralwer Diabolic Strength again (+2Strength, +1Attack)!

The Noise Marines Blast Master did two more wounds on the Gorkanot and Xoilaz Gafar charged into the melee... which, may not have been the smartest plan ever...

Between Gafar and the Venomcrawler, the Weird Boy was taken out of action (+1 VP to the Chaos Space Marines!) along with two other Orks. The Orks took out the Venomcrawler (which failed to explode) and did a wound on Gafar (which meant she'd get an additional attack next turn - Stimulated by Pain!)


The Orks only scored two Victory Points this turn (Total 5, so far!).

The Melee continued. The Sorceress took out three more Orks... they Orks, in turn, did another wound to her (she was SUPER lucky Boss Nob with the Power Klaw missed all three attacks!)

The Gorkanot took out another Noise Marine.

AT the beginning of the Chaos Space Marine turn, they scored two more Victory Points (now at 4, to the Orks 5)

The Other Noise Marines did a bit more damage to the Gorkanot.

The melee came to and end with the Sorceress finished off the last three Orks...


Just the Gorkanot left... Still holding and Objective Marker, though, so they scored another Victory Point (Total 6!). IF ANY of my units could have survived the Gorkanot's onslaught, I might have won - holding three objectives, I stood to gain FOUR Victory Points on my turn...

Alas... The Gorkanot finally got ranged in and blew away the Sorceress (+1 VP!) and TWO Noise marines...

And the charged and stomped all over the remaining one...

Well... The Noise marine DID cause some damage to the Gorkanot - had it down to 5 wounds remaining...

On the Chaos Space Marine turn they gained a victory point from the ONE Objective they still held...

At that point the Orks had 7VP to the Chaos Space Marine's 5VP... there was no way the Emperor's Children could gain anymore than one more, so we called it.

I guess if they had left that Objective they were sitting on... Attacked the Gorkanot in Melee and managed to do five more wounds, taking it out of action, on round five they'd have scored TWO more points one for holding a single objective and another for holding more than the enemy... which could have tied the game...

Good fun, though. Really looking forward to picking up 9th later today and seeing what other scenarios there are for Combat Patrols and checking out the new Campaign system. Finnegan and I are already talking about playing another campaign - just amongst ourselves (like, in addition to the Daemon World Challenge I have planned for August...).

So glad he's back playing 40K.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Planning to play another game of 40K on Monday.

Hopefully get some Deathwatch finished over the weekend.

Seeing how well these Chaos Space Marines performed in this game (actually MAKING saving throws - not something we're used to around here with my Guard and his Orks), Finnegan is pretty stoked about trying out those Deathwatch!


  1. Nice looking game,good to see you give your chaos marines a game and also glad I'm not the only one spending years building an army before their first game!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! Thanks! THIS one I've only really been working on for months (though it may seem like years!) I definitely have others that I've been working on for years (or... decades) but never got on the tabletop!
