Monday, October 15, 2007

Tim’s Arsenal of Communist Aggression Expands… some more…

….and here they are; the Motor Rifles. These are they only ones I have, so I’ll have to order some more form somewhere. Give the current exchange rate, now might not be such a bad time to do so. These are Combat Miniatures.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Motor Rifles patrolling the dusty streets of a small Afghan village…. Or New Mexican… or where ever…

I decided to get going on the BMPs next (these are ACE kits). I was kind of dreading it as the Ace BRDM didn’t go together so easy. Well last night I decided to just go for it – no sense in avoiding the inevitable - and I started in on one… and, well, it’s not going quite so bad as I imagined it might…

I’m going to try and get the three that I have done this week. Hopefully the rest (I ordered two more) will show up this week and I can get all five done.

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