(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are a batch of English Civil War musketeers… based for DBA… The figures are from Old Glory. I don’t know why, I just had a hankering to paint something a little different. I also affixed some more Musketeers and Pikemen to some temporary painting bases in case the feeling comes over me again… but I think it’s passed…
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to cram 8 pikemen on a base or if I’ll only get six… so I based up 24 just to be on the safe side…

Well… it didn’t quite pass before I finished up some ECW Cuirassiers… I actually started painting this lot over five years ago – had them based individually for Warhammer ECW and painted the horses and then left them. Earlier this year I painted the armour (yes, I know, it should probably just have been left a flat black… whatever…). Anyway, while I was doing ECW stuff I thought I’d finish them up. I think I have two or three more stands worth… perhaps I should finish them up too…

Again with stuff started ages ago and recently finished up… These Copplestone Castings Bolshevik cavalrymen were started over two years ago and abandoned when I had gotten sick of Contemptible Little Armies… thought I’d finish them up for the Back of Beyond weekend coming up in under a week!!! (more on that shortly!)

I’m not sure if these qualify as newly painted at all… They’re some Chinese cavalry I repainted the uniforms on for this weekend’s campaign… well… whatever…
I also re-based a couple stands worth of Bolshevik commanders and repainted armbands on half my Chinese…. Did a little work on some Viking Archers… Norman Knights…. Orc Wolf riders… I’ve been a bit all-over-the-place this last week or so… and haven’t had a lot of time for painting as we’ve launched into fall activities.
I’d like to get back to get back to the Samurai, but it’s hard to get motivated to work on a historical army you don’t actually have a historical opponent for. I think the campaign this weekend will get me excited about the next campaign in February and that’ll get me finishing up dark age armies….
Maybe by the new year I’ll be able to lift the moratorium on figure purchases and get myself a second Samurai army…
Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:
I’ve got some more Orc Wolf Riders just about complete… but they probably won’t be finished up until next week now… Also have some Viking archers in the works and a pile of Normans that got base coated at least…
Actually the next thing to be posted here will likely be a report of the "Back of Beyond" Campaign weekend...
Oh, you gotta break away from the norm and paint something different. It's good for the eyes. I myself am taking a break from ancients to do 17th century Colonial Americans and Indians. It's nice to read about a different era too.
ReplyDeleteGood Work as always
ReplyDeleteThe ECW Curaissers caught my eye. A long term project (25mm Landschnect Army) needs some Pistol Cab so I may pay Old Glory a visit
I agree. Some diversity is nice to keep the painting fresh. I'm pushing on some 1/72 fantasy plastics right now, but have been fiddling with 15mm Romano-Brits and did some rivers to keep myself motivated, But no back to the salt mine (of moria)!