Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Woof Rydahs!!

Whew… well…. Now that the Back of Beyond Weekend is over I can get back to work on some Dark Ages stuff for the next campaign coming up a scant four months away in February…

First up, here are some Norman Knights:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)



Okay, maybe I’ll have some Norman Knights for you NEXT TIME….

These are actually Ghost Miniatures Orc Wolf Riders from Old Glory. The riders are pretty damn cool, the wolves… well… for one, they seem a bit on the smallish side. Also there happens to be only ONE POSE – looking left. Now I could understand (and easily live with) only one pose if it was looking STRAIGHT AHEADE!? But squadrons of wolves all looking to their left!? What’s up with that? Did a rabbit run by over there or something!? Anyway… I swapped out a number of the wolves and mixed in some wolves from West Wind Productions Gothic Horror line for some variety.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Seriously… Normans… or maybe some Irish…

...and maybe I'll finish up the report from the Back of Beyond Weekend... and the Autumn of the Campaign for Kümer.... maybe tomorrow...

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