Tuesday, December 28, 2010

British Riflemen and an Orthodox Priest

Those of you who know me well or have been following the blog a long time have probably heard me say something along the lines of “I’d have to suffer some pretty severe head trauma to ever ‘get into’ napoleonics”…

I think I must have fallen off my bike… and I don’t even remember…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some (shudder) Napoleonic British Riflemen. (figures from the The Foundry). It was an odd pack they had at the Den when I was there for their Boxing Day sale (on all week – 25% off everything store-wide!) and I thought… “what the heck”…

An Eastern Orthodox Preacher from Brigade Games - it came in a pack of Tsarist Officers from their Russian Civil War line.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Surely I’ll finish up a couple more to make it an even 800 foot for this year… Only 14 mounted all year!? I guess that’s what happens when you concentrate on a period when cavalry was on it’s way out…


  1. Not Naps! Ahhhh! Can you at least use these guys for War of 1812?


  2. I dunno about these guys... but I'd totally be interested in the War of 1812 sometime. One of these days I'll model them both (Americans and British) in 30mm - that way I could use the British to go thump on John's Frenchies on the continent...

  3. Hi Tim,

    I've been following a few of your blogs for some time now. I'm amazed at how quickly you seem to be able to crank out nicely painted miniatures.

    From what I can tell, it looks to me as though you use a black undercoat and then, for almost everything, a single color coat leaving heavy black-lining. Is that right? And when do you typically deviate and take an extra step (adding highlight or shading somehow)?

    If you've already covered your painting technique in a blog entry somewhere, please feel free to just link to it :-)

    Thanks very much, and keep up the inspiring work!

  4. Thanks!

    Yep, that pretty much sums it up... Black undercoat, one coat of colour (leaving black outline), occasional highlight. Pretty darn okay for the tabletop and fast. When I throw a hundred guys on the table - no one notices that I didn't use washes for every damn colour (Quantity, truly does, have a quality of it's own!)

    If you click on the "Painting Tutorial" label and scroll down there's a post where I kind of go through step-by-step how I painted a modern British officer in DPM.


  5. Thanks Tim! That tutorial lays everything out nicely.

  6. Hi Tim,

    So will you be using these for skirmish? Coincidentally I've just painted 6 x 95th in 28s as well. We're going to use Song of Drum and Shakos which looks nice and simple but fun to play. Matakishi has a page on his site about Nappy skirmish and a few people there recommended it.


  7. I don't know what I'm going to use them for... It just seemed like a good idea at the time. I'd need some opponents first...

    I use Savage Worlds for all my skirmish gaming. I've used it for 18th Century games (Pirates or French and Indian War skirmishes). I guess I could use them in a one-off skirmish involving time travel... or any of the generic monster horror figures I have (zombies... werewolves...).

    Potentially they could be used for skirmishers in a Black Powder game...? that's probably what inspired me to buy and paint them - I'm reading Black Powder right now and getting pretty pumped about trying it out. Not so pumped about the massive number of figures used in the game... but... whatever...
