Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Distracted…? ME…!!?

Just… nevermind…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Gaston and his wife Yvette (and wee Baby Jean) are from West Wind Productions. World War Two French civilians (See!? I’m not THAT distracted!)

These are… um… Russians from... well.... the Crimean War.... They are manufactured by The Foundry.

Okay, maybe I’m a little distracted…

The casualty… well, I’m not sure what make he is. He’s actually an “old West” dead guy, but I painted his duster in a grey-brown so he could pass as Russian dead from the Crimea to WW2…

Finally a Space:1889 Martian from RAFM that I’ve had for over 20 years now and just never got around to painting. I just don’t dig the yellow-skinned Martians of the Space:1889 universe – so I went with a reddish brown. I may vary the skin colour of the Martains; including some oranges and yellowish browns… Perhaps the Canal Martians will be reddish, the Hill Martians orange, and the High Martians yellowish…?

Yeah… distracted…

I’ll get back to those T-34s in a moment…

Thinking more on the Plans for 2011, I’m kind of leaning towards a Savage Worlds mini-campaign for February. It may or may not be an extension of our current campaign(s) and I’ll probably cap it at six participants – the regular Savages, of course, getting first crack. For June I’m thinking I’d like to run a Hordes of the Things campaign (much like the one I ran two years ago). And for the fall… I’m definitely thinking about Quebec 1759. I’m not sure if we will use DBA-x or Black Powder yet – as I haven’t actually TRIED Black Powder yet – but I’ll give them both a try when the latter arrives.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I don’t know…

1 comment:

  1. Black Powder's good fun.

    Not sure it's really suitable campaign material though, not without *extensive* pre-play agreements and working-out of manpower and materiel by players.
