Monday, December 24, 2012

Still More Moderns: Germans, Africans, Afghans…

Another odd assortment of items…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These are Germans from Eureka Miniatures.

These are a couple of “adventurers” from Hasslefree Miniatures that I’ve kind of painted as Germans because they happen to be carrying the same rifle and wearing flak vests and I thought I might be able to pass them off as “character” figures…

These are supposed to be British SAS figures from The Assault Group, but I’ve also painted as Germans because I have so dang many of these SAS guys with suppressed H&K MP5s that I don’t know what the heck to do with them any more… I was painting a batch of guys in Flektarn… Germans used to use H&K firearms…. So…

Here’s how they all look together… The Eureka and Hasslefree G36 rifles are actually pretty close in proportion and fit nice together. 

Yet another Suppressed MP5 armed SAS trooper I’ve painted as an armed civilian/insurgent…

An odd African Militianman – also from The Assault Group.

Finally the second Afghan (or Burhkaderkastani?) motorcycle from Empress Miniatures - this time with an RPG team!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More toys of a modern sort. 


  1. Love the motorbike RPG team. Great stuff for a scenario. You are so close to 1200 painted foot you can make it by January!
