Thursday, December 6, 2012

CDC, Zombies, Fire Fighters and Germans

A few odd modern-ish items rolling off the workbench this week…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A Biohazard team from Copplestone Castings.

Fire Fighters from Mega Miniatures.

A few Zombies (also from Mega Miniatures).

Does anyone sense a theme developing here…?

Modern Germans from Eureka Miniatures. I have a platoon of these guys. I just did a couple extras I had to experiment with Flektarn.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More of the same, probably. Or maybe some pics of my new buildings. 


  1. Firefighters' bunker gear would make pretty decent impromptu armor during the zombipocalypse, actually.

  2. What do you think about Megaminis' firefighters?

    I don't like those models but I have never seen them in hand. Do you think the firefighters are well sculpted?

    1. They are certainly not the nicest figures I've ever painted. Megaminis stuff is a bit hit and miss. This one is a miss. But I'm going to paint them up regardless... and really, when they're on the table surrounded by hundreds of zombies... Who's going to notice the clunky detail or odd proportions. They'll see helmet and coat and think; "fireman". And at the end of the day, that's all that's important to me.

    2. Ok, you have the point.

      I have seen some interesting Megaminis' miniatures but I can't find cool firefighters only Corvus Beli in their Infinity range I have found a firefighter that looks great.

      Thanks for your reply!
