Friday, April 18, 2014

Song of Blades and Heroes Again

Some friends of ours come over to hang out and climb and play some games today and we decided to introduce them to Song of Blades and Heroes. I decided to run it as an all of them against me sort of tabletop adventure…


Nasty Orcsies attack our intrepid heroes in their camp just as they’re breaking their fast. How rude!


The Good Guys

Axe Skull - Elite Dwarf Warrior (Oliver)
Q 3+, C 4, Short Move, Steadfast, Fearless, 46 points

Stormblade - Elite Dwarf Warrior (Ian)
Q 3+, C 4, Short Move, Steadfast, Fearless, 46 points

Shortcut - Elite Dwarf Crossbow (Keira)
Q 3+, C 3, Short Move, Shooter (Medium), Good Shot, 38 points

Stormbow - Elite Elf Archer (Finnegan)
Q 2+, C 3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot, 70points

Sir Moustache – Human Warrior (Aaron)
Q 3+, C 3, 30 points

Nasty Smelly Orcsies

Ogre Warrior
Q 4+, C 4, Big, Long Move, 50 Points

Orc Warrior
Q 4+, C3, 23 Points

Orc Warrior
Q 4+, C3, 23 Points

Orc Warrior
Q 4+, C3, 23 Points

Orc Archer
Q 4+, C3, Shooter (Medium), 29 Points

Orc Archer
Q 4+, C3, Shooter (Medium), 29 Points


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

I think this was around Turn Two… My Orcs all nice and spread out… There’d been a few Turn Overs in the first rounds – Adventurers still rubbing sleep out of their eyes and downing their coffees while the Orcs advance in their rather unorganized fashion.

The Gang.

The Ogre, despite being knocked down by Stormbow, got up and sloshed across the river into contact with Axe Skull… Before they could gang up on him thought they rolled a Turn Over and at that point things kind of went downhill for our adventurers… mostly due to me having the hottest dice rolls I’ve EVER had!? It was like I couldn’t roll anything less than a four…

The ogre took down axe skull with one mighty swing of his Axe… into Axeskulls.. er.. skull (what a strangely prophetic name?!).

Sir Moustache charged into the river to take advantage of an Orc that had fallen in the river but found himself surrounded and taken down.

A couple orcs were taken down by Stormbows arrows and a few more were taken out by Stormblade… (we decided they were brothers, separated at birth – one grew up to be a dwarf, the other grew up to be an Elf… er...?) but eventually Stormbow and Shortcut also fell to the Ogres terrible blows.

Stormbow then ran away…

Normally I try not to so utterly annihilate new players on their very first game… But they all seemed to take it in stride and are keen to have another go!  

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Toys… More game reports... 


  1. Cool game, Tim! Good to see you into'ing folks to gaming. I've heard a lot of good things about the rules, making me want to check them out

    1. Thanks Dean!

      The basic rules are $8USD for the pdf... so you kind of can't go too wrong. I realize the rules are probably a bit too simplistic and abstract for some - but for now they are perfect for me and the kind of folks I am mostly playing with these days!
