Saturday, March 21, 2015


After cranking out all those Japanese I thought I’d best get started on some opposing forces before I did any more. (Also I was waiting for a few more Japanese and French before I finished off those forces – which arrived yesterday afternoon).

This is pretty much all the Chindits I have at the moment – I do still have a second Vickers team (not sure how I ended up with that!?), a chap leading a mule, and a couple of Burmese scouts. I guess it isn’t much of a “force” – at least not for Bolt Action.

I think I bought a starter box and the two Vickers teams a couple years back…? I’ll likely pick up another ten-man section – which will give me about 21 riflemen - which I could split up into a platoon of three sections of seven… THAT will be a bit more of a force to reckon with! 

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

The force so far (all the figures are from Bolt Action Miniatures/Warlord Games)

A small command element

Medic with wounded

Rifle section

Vickers MG team

2” Mortar team

If some of the pictures above look like there's snow on the bases and the game board I use as a backdrop... that's because it was SNOWING this afternoon!?

March started out with -40°C weather... within a week it was above freezing and almost all of the snow melted... now, on the first day of spring, it's snowing again... ugh.. enough already! 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

An early war French infantry platoon or STILL MORE Japanese infantry – a whole SECOND (understrength) platoon! 


  1. Lovely paintwork! Have you had a look at Chain of Command?

    1. Thanks!

      I have not tried Chain of Command.

  2. Great looking Chindits...snow over here too, lol.

    1. Thanks!

      I've had enough of this snow nonsense. Perhaps I shall crank the heat and hide in the basement with the windows closed and think about steamy jungles while painting some more Japanese and try to forget about the snow.

  3. Great looking Chindits, Tim. Wow - snow!

    1. Thanks Dean.

      I woke up to near blizzard conditions this morning. I just about cried.

  4. Nice work Tim. The Chindits from Warlord are very tempting.

    1. Thanks Mark. They are nice figures. They are a bit on the slight side - one of the M1 carbine rifle barrels broke off already. I like my figures a bit more chunky so as to stand up to the sort of abuse I punish them with. If I were to start all over again I might have gone with Assault Group... but I'm not... so I'll stick with these!

  5. I was complaining about it being a bit chilly at 9 degrees today!! I've also been considering Japanese/Chindits as a future project but in 15mm. I'd definitely recommend having a look at Chain of Command.

    1. I think a friend of mine has it. Perhaps someday I'll have a look.

      I haven't really even thought all that seriously about playing with these yet. I just got it in my head that it's be fun to paint them up and finish off the WW2 forces. maybe if I get enough of them finished up I'll get motivated to clear off the game table and have a go with one set or rules or another.
