Friday, December 30, 2016

24th Battalion (Victoria Rifles), CEF

One last minis post for the year, as I doubt I’ll get anything else finished… Back to the Khaki!

This is the 24th Battalion (Victoria Rifles), CEF. They are the second battalion I have finished for the 5th Canadian Infantry Brigade (the other is the 22e  Battalion (Canadien Français) - that I painted back in July when the ministures for the 5th Brigade first arrived). As with all the other battalions in the 5th Brigade, the miniatures are from Gripping Beast/Woodbine Design

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

24th Battalion (Victoria Rifles), CEF

The formation patch for the 24th Battalion was a red semicircle surmounting a blue patch – the blue patch was for the 2nd Division, the semicircle indicated the second battalion within the brigade and the red indicated the second brigade within the division.

And with that I bid you all, my dear readers, a Very Happy New Year! 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Over the next couple days I will hopefully be writing a few posts; looking back at 2016, looking forward with plans for 2017, on the 12 Days of Gaming that we will be wrapping up in the next few days, and hopefully pics of more newly painted miniatures - before we get back into the swing of regularly scheduled activities and work and school and stuff...


  1. Nice return to khaki, these seem very animated figures lovely painting as always.
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers, Iain! I do like all the different poses on these. My only complaint is that they don't have respirator cases... but it's a small complaint...

  2. Interesting you chose the 24th. Found this by doing research on my Great Uncle who died in Belgium with the 24th Bn. I may give this a try myself for a display. Good work!!

    1. Thanks John! It wasn't so much of a choosing to do the 24th over other CEF battalions. This is part of a bigger project where I've completed a unit for each battalion in the Canadian Corps.
