Saturday, September 1, 2018

Drukhari Kabalite Warriors

These are the first figures I've put together for Amanda's Drukhari Kill Team. Most of them will be Wyches, but I had a few Drukhari Kabalites, so I thought I'd paint those up for something different she could have on her roster for when she absolutely, positively needed to SHOOT something. (The lychees don't have so much shooty things - they're all about the up-close-and-personal-slashy-stabby-stabby type of fighting).

Kabalite Warriors from Citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop. I've put them on Necromunda 25mm bases just for fun...

Just picked up the Drukhari Kill Team Starter set and the Deathworld Kill Zone earlier today - so I'm'a be painting murder plants and Space Dark Elves for the next week!

Who else is playing Kill Team out there? What Kill Teams are you working on?

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

MORE Kill team suff!


  1. They look great! Suitably dark and vicious.

  2. I have the Kill Team starter box - couldn't resist the terrain - but have not decided on a Team yet. Could do Astra, Necrons or something from the box - Admech or Genestealer weirdos. I dunno!!!

    1. Well, the Admech you can always use as allies for you Imperial Guard in 40K...? I picked up a box of Sicarians to add some options to the basic skitarii that come in the box.

      But to just start playing, go with what you've got painted already!

      I played my Astra militarum against Finnegan's orks last week and had my ass handed to me. I had 18 guys! He had 9. Mind you mine were all bog-standard Imperial guard infantry - no Tempestus Scions...

  3. Nice looking dark elves/eldar or whatever they're currently called!
    Best Iain

    1. cheers!

      In 40K, these days, they are called the Drukhari (or Dark Eldar...).

  4. So far just collecting them for myself. No idea on all the 40K history, etc, though with that new Rogue Trader Kill Team coming out, maybe I will do them, or wait for a Witch Hunter themed team? Is there such a thing in 40K?

    1. The 40K equivalent of a Witchhunter warband would be an Inquisitorial Kill Team - or specialist marine chapters such as the Grey Knights or Deathwatch (which are the militant arms of particular branches of the Inquisition).

    2. Hmm, where do the Sisters of Battle fit in? Though a Inquisitorial team sounds like lots of opportunity for Monty Python quips!

    3. The Adepta Sororitas (Sisters of Battle) are the militant arm of the Adeptus Ministorum. Currently there are no rules for such factions in Kill Team. GW has announced a new line of plastic sisters will be available in 2019 - presumably with a Adeptus Ministorum or Sisters of Battle Codex? They've also hinted that in this year's Chapter Approved there will be a beta test list for the new sisters... I imagine somewhere in all that there will be a Kill Team expansion that allows Sisters or a more general Ministorum Kill Team.

      Hopefully sometime in the next few months (or year?) they'll also release an Inquisitorial Kill Team - Or, perhaps, Inquisitors will just be a new character that will be available in the new Kill Team: Commanders expansion (apparently hinted at in the Rogue Trader Rules) that you can add to a Grey Knight or Deathwatch (or any other sort of Imperial) Kill Team...?

  5. I have a open play drukhari I am working on. Always wanted to paint harlequin, so it will have stabby, shooty and flippy in one kill team.
