Thursday, September 20, 2018

Moon Base Klaisus - STC -Ryza Pattern Ruins

I finished up a few more of bits of the STC-Ryza Pattern Ruins. These AREN'T the ones that came with Moon Base Kalisus. There were STC-Ryza Pattern Ruins that came with Moon Base Kalisus, but these aren't them. These are from a set I bought separately a couple months ago when Kill Team first came out. The ruins that come with the Moon Base aren't exactly the same either. They are similar... but not all totally the same....

The new ruin bits. Basically identical to the previous section I completed (I posted pictures of them at the end of THIS POST). The only difference is I painted the outer side of the building reddish brown, where as the previous ones were blue.

Same ruin, different angle. The board I've taken pictures of them on are the boards that came with Moon Base Klaisus.

More of the same - but with some of the previously painted blue building ruins (and some T'au).

A few of the building sections that came with Moon Base Klaisus are a bit longer than the ones I've just finished. I'm working on them next. Hopefully I can finish them up in the next week and move on to some new Kill Teams!

Oh, I did finish one of the bits that came with the Moon Base - this Inquisitor's crate/objective marker.

What could be in that crate? And why do these T'au want it so badly?

That's probably one too many... I've run out of things to say about it...

Here is what the entire Moon Base Klaisus board looks together. I had to take the picture of this one inside and spread out on the floor - as I don't currently have a table big enough to set it up on. It's total size is slightly less than 6'x4'. It's made up of four smaller boards, that themselves fold up pretty small. The individual boards are about the same size as the boards that come with Kill Team or in the Kill Zone boxes. I could play one-on-one games of Kill Team on any single board. I could run four-player games of Kill Team with any of the two that match up. Or I can play full-sized games of regular 40K on the full four-board set up.

The boards are printed on both sides - The the other side has a reddish cratered landscape. I'll have to remember to take some pictures of that side next time...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hard to say... probably more painting updates... I haven't gotten in ANY games of Kill Team... or any games at all this week! The September Game-A-Day Challenge seems to have fallen by the wayside. I'm a little sad about that, but willing to let it go. It's been a CrAzY busy month and I didn't want to push it so much that everyone gets SICK of gaming - trying to cram in a game here and there purely to say that we did it. It's supposed to be fun, right?


  1. Yep, it's supposed to be fun. :)

    Those ruins look pretty cool. Excellent paint work as usual!

    I'm still thinking about getting a couple of the Kill team sets, but there are so many different boxes of stuff I don't know where to start. I might just use the terrain, in which case I could just look for the ones that have terrain I think I would use. And if I decide to paint the figures and try the game itself I could go with whatever figures come with the terrain, regardless of whether that means guys from the same side and/or allies fighting each other. I also have other sci-fi minis I could potentially use to cobble together some opposition.

    1. Thanks!

      The Kill Team core box is a relatively good deal - about half the price of buying all the stuff that's in it separately, though I've read it's hard to find at the moment...? It includes two kill teams - which I think look pretty neat and both could easily double as post-apocalyptic types - Genestealer cult could be mutants and Adeptus Mechanicus could be cyborgs. It also includes the full core rules and army lists, a board to play on and a pile of Sector Imperialis terrain (if you like that...)...?

  2. Nice looking sci-fi ruins and the board their on is pretty good too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      I finished up the leader for the Drukhari Kill Team last night and was hoping to take pics today... but I like taking pics outdoors in natural light and it's been raining and SNOWING all day today!?

      WTF!? It's SEPTEMBER, yo!

  3. Wow, you painted those ruins awesomely. It really makes me forget they're sitting on cardstock.

  4. Those ruins look cool, and I love the little game board. Is this something GW still sells?

    1. Thank, Greg! Yeah, I just had the Dragon's Den order it in for me a week or so ago...? It's still in their webstore:

    2. You can get the STC Ryza Pattern ruins separately:

      Though there are some different frames in the Moon Base pack.

      I have a feeling they will all be included in an upcoming Kill Zone Box (and then I'll probably be kicking myself for having bought this now...).
