Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Age of Sigmar - First Game

Aqshy - the Realm of Fire

Deep in the sun-scorched deserts of The Parch, lies an oasis that al informed travellers steer clear of. From if flows the alluring smell of beautiful flowers and enticing melodies sung by sultry maidens, promising all that the unwary traveller could desire. The oasis is overseen by a Daemon of Slaanesh who ensnares the heedless that wander that way, providing them with an excess of all they desire before utterly consuming their very souls to create new daemonettes to build their retinue. 

The Slaaneshi presence on the desert has been a source of constant irritation to the Daemons of Khorne that proclaim dominion over the all of the nearby lands. Indeed, it was the whole purpose of the Slaaneshi Invaders, setting up in that particular location, to vex their rivals. The Bloodmaster will have no more of it. 


We played the "The Watchtower" scenario, straight out of the Age of Sigmar Core Book (3rd Edition) - except the watchtower was actually an oasis - still a piece of defendable terrain that could be garrisoned. It was in the centre of the table. 

Half of the Hedonite forces started Garrisoned in the terrain at the beginning of the game and the other half remained in reserve. 

Khorne forces had to take the oasis and ransack it (if held two subsequent turns, the oasis is ransacked).



K'vän, Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (90)

Karanak, Hound of Vengeance (150) 

10 x Bloodletters (115)

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)

5 x Flesh Hounds (105)

5 x Garrek's Reavers (65)

Total: 735 Points


Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (140)

Bladebringer, Herald on Hellflayer (215)

10 x Daemonettes (140) 

10 x Daemonettes (140) 

5 x Seekers (140)

Total: 775


As our very first game of Age of Sigmar, we figured this was a one-off, learning game and would start our campaign later... 

I started my setting my Hedonites up in the Oasis in the centre of the table. 

According to the scenario, I was supposed to spilt my force into (as close as possible) two equal forces. having five units that meant forces of 3 and 2. I COULD have set up three in the oasis.. but I was a little worried, considering all my reinforcements showed up on turn one, that it might be a little difficult with two units AND my General in there, to have any hope of winkling them out before the cavalry arrived. 

I made the Viceleader my general, instead of the Bladebringer, as it was the hero starting on the table and figured it was the Daemon mentioned in the fluff above that stayed at home luring unsuspecting victims into the oasis...

As it seemed pretty dense terrain, we ruled that the Bladebringer could not go in there. 

Finnegan setting up his Khorne forces. I convinced him, briefly, to wear the KHORNE MAGA cap (Make Aqshy Great Again!).

Legions of Slaanesh feeling a bit surrounded! Calling for help now! 

There they are boys, let's go get em! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! 


As specified in the scenario, the invaders got to choose who went first in the first round. As Finnegan knew my reserve forces could just come rolling on in the first turn, he decided there was no good reason to go second and went first! 

In the Hero Phase, both of us chose "Their Finest Hour" for our Heroic Action. This gave the chosen Hero +1 to wound rolls and +1 to save rolls.


Everybody moved up.


Everyone that could, attempted to charge.. the Bloodletters failed. Stragenly, Garrek's Reavers, who were further away, made it!? Jokes were made about the Bloodmaster, looking over it's shoulder expecting to see it's Blooletters there supporting the attack and seeing only these mortal fanboys trying to show their worth... 


Flesh hounds took out a couple Daemonettes. The Daemonettes then did three wounds to the Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne. Karanak tried to chomp on the Viceleader, but not a single one of it's TEN attacks got through. Viceleader killed a couple of Flesh Hounds. One of them bit the Viceleader's leg for one wound. Finally, K'vän, Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne took a swing at the Viceleader and did two more wounds. 

In the Battleshock Phase nothing really happened (daemons don't tend to run away) and I gained four depravity points (for units on the table that suffered wounds in the last turn). 


In the Hero Phase, my Viceleader chose the Heroic Recovery action and then cast Born of Damnation, and between the two was back up to full health. 

At the end of the Movement Phase, my reinforcements showed up... and ,y'know, kind of just... stood there...? 

Sure, I guess they spent the turn getting there... 

In the Combat Phase Karanak ate the Viceleader and between two of the two units of Flesh Hounds and Garrek's Reavers, the Daemonettes were taken out...

In the Battleshock Phase  I gained one more depravity points and Finnegan gained two Blood Tithe n



Having wiped out the defenders, Garrek's Reavers and the Bloodmaster occupied the Oasis and the Bloodleeters moved up, but couldn't make it in. 

All the Flesh Hounds ran around the side to meet the Slaanesh reinforcements. 


Bloodmaster and fanboys occupy the oasis and start defiling it. 


Daemonettes advance to retake the Oasis. 

The Bladebringer charged Karanak and one of the units of Flesh Hounds, the Unit of seekers decided to get in on that too. 

A unit of Flesh Hounds was wiped out along with Karanak! Two more Blood Tithe Points for Finnegan and I got one more Depravity Point. 

So weird, I got Depravity Points for units that were injured during the turn, Finnegan getting points for units that died... 



I got to go first this round!

Seekers veered off to attack the defenders in the Oasis. 

Bladebringer crashed into the remaining units of Flesh Hounds. 

Oh, and I got to summon ANOTHER unit of Daemonettes. 

I tried to split the attacks between the two units hoping NOT to kill them (which Finnegan got points for) and just injure them bother enough to make them less a threat and gain ME points.. 

I still ended up wiping out one of the units... 

At this point I think i forgot to take pictures for a few turns...  

At some point more Flesh Hounds were summoned back onto the table. 

Another unit of Daemonettes was wiped out... another got summoned... I think the seekers were wiped out. I seem to recall the Bladebringer was taken out by Deamonettes? In the end we called it at the end of Round four, it was clear there was NO WAY the daemonettes were going to winkle the Bloodletters out of there in a turn.

It was a super fun game. I like how it plays. Daemons are weird and kind of fun, just popping back into reality, turn after turn... I'm pretty stoked to get a campaign going on. We'd hoped to get started tomorrow  (Thursday), but stuff came up and it looks like maybe it will be Friday instead... 

You can see our (possible) start forces on a few of the other posts I put up earlier today - Slaanesh (mine) and Stormcast Eternals (Finnegan). 

Eariler today I got in a game of Necromunda.... which... I haven't played since the last ToonCon!? My friend Orion came over and brought his Enforcers. Hopefully I'll get a report of that action tomorrow! 


  1. Awesome game, and I can vouch for Khorne being fun to play. Love the hat ;)

    1. Thanks!

      The funny thing is, it was never an army i ever even PLANNED to have!? It got a bunch of it with the Wrath and Rapture set... then a local guy was selling a bunch of the OLD Flesh Hounds for next to nothing - because no one around here wants metal figures anymore...? So I coudln't pass those up... then Warhammer Underworlds... Finnegan's Warhammer Quest Stuff... BOOM! We have over 1000 points of the stuff!? And it all got painted!? (because it was pretty easy to paint!?)

      After playing wtih them I'm feeling like "yeah... I could just get a few more Bloodletters... and... y'know... maybe... some MIGHTY SKULLCRUSHERS!?"

    2. The Lord of Khorne on a Juggernaut looks cool too..

  2. HEY! It's been some time since we've seen the mandatory wearing of funny hats for your games....which got me thinking, did you add a hat rack to your games know, for the wearing of?
