Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Horror, Harlequins, and a Vivandière - a Painting Update

  I have been painting... a little bit... 

The first two items are things I actually painted a couple months ago, but just didn't get around to posting. I was waiting for... something else...? to get finished to post along with them, but that just insn't happeneing and i want them off the workbench. 

Now that I look at them, they probably need some grass tufts to truly be finished... But that isn't done at the painting table, and I just want to get these OFF the painting table... 

Vivandière from Matchlock Miniatures

Horror from Reaper Miniatures. 

All the Harlequins and other Eldar on the workbench. I've got most of the first new troupe of Harlequins done and the other two that I have are well on the way (and the final troupe should be arriving soon!)

These three are pretty much done. 

These three... just about there... just needing a detail or highlight or two...

Ugh... Why did I think harlequins would be a good idea!? 


  1. Ugh... Why did I think harlequins would be a good idea!? because they will look great when they are finished?

    That figure with the trench coat for example is very cool!

    1. I know... I know... thanks.

      It just feels like it's going to take for-EVAR at the rate I currently seem to be going!?

    2. Some figures are just like that... seems like no progress and then "Bang!" they are done. Hopefully the harlies are like that for you.

    3. I got a LOT of work done on them one day last week - Eighteen of them went from black base coat to completely covered in colour in an afternoon... but things have ground to a near standstill since them as NOW they require individual attention as I add in all the fiddly details and patterns and such... Ill just have to sit myself down on afternoon or evening this week and say "let's DO THIS THING" and once I get going on them, I'll probably get a bunch finished up. it's difficult finding long enough periods of undisturbed time. I find I can't just work on these for a minute or two, here and there, as I forget what I was doing!?

  2. Yeah, I know that feeling of not making progress. And then the almost unexpected race to the finish. Sometimes, anyway.

    The vivandiere and horror look good (well, the former looks good in one way and the latter ina different way. ha ha)
    The harlequins look like a riot of color (and well-painted) - it makes me wonder how the eldar see those colors. Like, is their color vision different from humans.

    1. Ha-ha! Thanks!

      On seeing/perception of different colours - I've thought a lot about that, and that thought process was part of what lead me to doing the bases they way they are. A large part of it was also just being tired of boring brown dirt of terrestrial bases and wondering - what would alien worlds look like? Why would we assume their ground cover is all brown... But also thinking about how other being might perceive things and also thinking about false colour imagery presented by space-magic-technology-enhanced sensory equipment... THEN the different colours of the bases might represent the commander's view of the scene, via some neural uplink projected directly into their brain and the different colours of the bases might represent different (for lack of a better word) "auras" projected by the different troops for easy identification by their own kind...?

      If that makes ANY sense?!

      I think I think about this WAAAAAY TOO MUCH sometimes...

  3. Well, looking good on the figures you've finished and great progress on the harlequins, just got to push on through, thats what I'm finding on my Napoleonic French Hussars, still they'll look great when they're finished , you might be overthinking the bases?!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha-ha! Thanks!

      Anything worth thinking about is worth OVER-thinking about - that's MY motto!
