Sunday, October 15, 2023

Five Parsecs From Home - Online Campaign - The Crew

In addition to the solo campaign I'm trying out with miniatures, I'm also going to have a try at running a GMed campaign online using Roll20.

The previous weekend we rolled up a crew and ship and stuff and here's what we've got so far...

(I thought I'd do character portraits for all - to also use as Tokens in Roll20 - I also really wanted to try out some new water soluble crayons... results were... mixed... needs more experimentation!) 

(had hoped we'd have started this past weekend... alas....) 

Lt. Meetoktu Yrmngr

  • Species/Type: K’Erin
  • Reactions: 1
  • Speed: 4
  • Combat: +1
  • Toughness: 4 
  • Savvy: +1
  • Luck: 1
  • XP: 2
  • Background: Military Brat
  • Motivation: Power
  • Class: Technician
  • Homeworld: Deltitne
  • Gear: Infantry Laser (30”/1/0/Snap Shot) with Shock Attachment (impact trait vs Targets within 8”), Boarding Sabre (Brawl/-/1/Melee, Elegant), Communicator
  • Notes: Leader



  • Species/Type: Baseline Human
  • Reactions: 2
  • Speed: 4
  • Combat: +1
  • Toughness: 3 
  • Savvy: 0
  • Luck: 0
  • XP: 1
  • Background: Wasteland Nomad
  • Motivation: THE TRUTH
  • Class: Soldier
  • Gear: Needle Rifle (18”/2/0/Critical), Scrap Pistol (9”/1/0/Pistol)
  • Notes:

Jimmy Oath 

  • Species/Type: Baseline Human 
  • Reactions: 2
  • Speed: 4
  • Combat: 0
  • Toughness: 4
  • Savvy: 0
  • Luck: 0
  • XP: 0
  • Background: Space Station
  • Motivation: Order
  • Class: Secret Agent
  • Homeworld: Manolla (often referred to simply as Planet "M")
  • Gear: Concealed Blade, Marksman’s Rifle(36”/1/0/Heavy), Handgun (12”/1/0/Pistol)
  • Notes:

Bartholemew (Brother Bart) 

  • Species/Type: Baseline Human 
  • Reactions: 2
  • Speed: 4
  • Combat: +1
  • Toughness: 3
  • Savvy: 0
  • Luck: 0
  • XP: 0
  • Background: Religious Cult
  • Motivation: Glory
  • Class: Ganger
  • Gear: Shotgun (12”/2/1/Focused), Blade (Brawl/-/0/Melee), 
  • Notes:

Sal (Salamander) 


  • Species/Type: Baseline Human 
  • Reactions: 2
  • Speed: 4
  • Combat: +1
  • Toughness: 3
  • Savvy: 0
  • Luck: 0
  • XP: 1
  • Background: Wartorn Hellhole
  • Motivation: Adventure!
  • Homeworld: LV-428
  • Class: Mercenary
  • Gear: Needle Rifle (18”/2/0/Critical), Handgun (12”/1/0/Pistol)
  • Notes: 


  • Species/Type: Baseline Human 
  • Reactions: 1
  • Speed: 5
  • Combat: 0
  • Toughness: 3
  • Savvy: 0
  • Luck: 0
  • XP: 2
  • Background: Comfortable Megacity Class
  • Motivation: REVENGE!
  • Class: Scoundrel
  • Gear: Marskman’s Rifle (36”/1/0/Heavy), Scrap Pistol (9”/1/0/Pistol)
  • Notes:



  • Met Through: being in trouble with the authorities
  • Characterized as: In it for the credits


  • Name: The Æthelwulf
  • Type: Built from Salvaged Wrecks
  • Debt: 21
  • Hull: (30) 30
  • Traits: Purifier

Equipment (Needs to be Assigned) 

Weapon Stats are (Range/Shots/Damage/Traits)

Military Weapons

Low-Tech Weapons

  • Colony Rifle (18”/1/0/-)



  • Distraction Bot

Credits: 3

Story Points: 8

Rumours: 2



Lt. Meetoktu Yrmngr - Precursor Exiles (4) - were part of a syndicate that lost a huge military contract due to Meetoktu's meddling and interfering when her father was the head of procurment for the sector.


Local Government (via Case)

Danger Pay: +2Cr 

Benefit: Health Insurance 

Complete By: Campaign Round ONE

Wealthy Individual (via Jimmy Oath) 

Danger Pay: +1 Cr 

Benefit: Persistant 

Hazard: VIP

Complete By: Campaign Round ONE

Private Organization (via Jimmy Oath) 

Danger Pay: +2 Cr

Complete By: Campaign Round ONE


  1. Fun portraits! I'll be interested to hear how the GMed Roll20 game goes.

    Triple-breasted Ermegerd (I mean, Meetoktu Yrmngr - and I just realized the pun).
    Brother Bart looks like he has seen things (if you get the reference).

    1. I will definitely take screenshots and post a report once we get to it... but it might not be for a few weeks now as at least one of the players isn't available next Saturday.

      Ha-ha, yeah, I have to admit, I totally didn't catch the pun at first. Chris, who suspected something when I didn't react to it immediately - he had said "did you like the name" and I said "yeah it's fine, as long as YOU can say it" and he said "SAY IT OUT LOUD!" - THEN I got it! The rank is part of it, too. Lt. Meetokto Yrmngr - I was wondering WHY he's used Lieutenant for a rank... the character wasn't in the military themselves and the owner of a ship is customarily called "Captain"...?

  2. Nice portraits and good sounding crew!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! It will be interesting indeed to see what they get up to!?
