Sunday, October 8, 2023

Quick Painting Update - Sci-Fi

 Yeah, I am totally NOT keeping up with the planned rate of production that would get me to the point where I will have painted more than I've painted this year... It COULD happen... but I'm not worrying about it too much. 

I'll have some better pics of most of these up tomorrow in a post explaining what they're for. The short version is; I read the rules for Five Parsecs From Home and got excited about trying a campaign and these are a few minis I knocked out to fill out my crew!

On the left of the picture is an OLD Rogue Trader era Space Ork from Citadel Miniatures, the rest are old I-Kore Void miniatures. The one on the right is not actually part of the crew... He WAS going to be, but then I decided it would be better to arm the enforcer with the Hunting Rifle, so I painted the other (both were MOSTLY painted... I just finished up a few colours and re-based them).

More on the Campaign tomorrow and I'll probably post a game report of the first action later in the week! 


  1. Nice!
    I'll be interested to see how you get along with Five Parsecs. I played a little, using the edition before Modiphious took it on.

    1. I like it so far! I've made up a crew and done all the pre-tabletop battle stuff for the first campaign round. I'll be playing the first mission tomorrow, sometime, and posting a game report sometime after that. Tonight I'm hoping to get the background post up... working on that right now!
