Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October Games


Sunday, 1 October 2023

We FINALLY got around to trying out the Crow game I spotted at Meeplemart last month when I was in Toronto and then ordered when I got home... but, like, in a second order, because I forgot to include it in the first one... 

These are actual crows and have nothing to do with the game other than Keiran and I saw them while we were out earlier in the day... 

Tyler Sigman's Crows - The actual name of the game - is a pretty slick tile-laying game... You play a tile and then place your marker and then once everyone has placed their tile and marker crows flock to the nearest marker in a straight line. You get points for each crow you attract. Then you take off your marker and start all over again. 

Amanda (Green!) catching on rather quickly... 

TOO quickly.... 

Keiran got a couple of good placements in, attracting a few large murders of crows... this was on a double-point tile and put them just ahead of Amanda by the end of the game! 

Despite the one that always has to read the rules and explain it to everyone... I came in dead fucking last... 

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

I sat down and tried to figure out Five Parsecs From Home. I rolled up a completely random crew, just for giggles and see what came of it. If I could find figures that were "close enough" I might try playing through a game... If it were too outlandish, I'd just discard the team and go with the "Miniatures Method". 

The crew didn't seem too weird and I figured I could probably find some minis that would work... and I got really into trying to figure out the story behind these characters - based on the Backgrounds, Motivations, and Classes rolled for each... You can read all about that here:

Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Campaign - The Crew

Of course I fussed around and couldn't just go with ALREADY FULLY PAINTED miniatures that were CLOSE ENOUGH... 

I had to go through the lead pile and find things that were a little closer to WYSIWYG... and that meant painting a few of them and rebasing the lot of them - for CONSISTENCY!!! So... I didn't get to playing a game right away... 

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Met with Chris and Woody online to roll up ANOTHER crew of Five Parsecs From Home for an ONLINE campaign that I thought I'd run for them. 

You can read about what we came up with here: 

Five Parsecs From Home - Online Campaign - The Crew

Monday, 9 October 2023

Monday I played the first game in my solo game of Five Parsecs From Home!

I had a GREAT time playing this! You can read the full report of the game HERE:

Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Campaign - Round One

Satruday, 21 October 2023

though we originally planned to play on the 14th... we didn't. 

Woody and Chris and I got together on Discord, but because they hadn't really gotten the info I needed early enough, I didn't get the character portraits done that I wanted to used as tokens in Roll20. 

In the intervening week, Christian decided he would like to play and wished to reprise his role of Mad Willie!? 

On the 21st we finally got to play a game (though Woody ended up not being able to make it..). You can read the full report of the game here:

Five Parsecs From Home - Online Campaign - Round One - Deliver the Goods

The following Saturday I was out at a halloween burlesque show, so we didn't get to continue... 

Also haven't had an opportunity to play the next game in my solo campaign... as I was busy with a 1:1 scale terrain project... 


  1. Well October sounds like fun!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!
      Would have liked to play a few more games of Crows and Five Parsecs From Home... but things have gotten busy (and disruptive!) with the basement renovation... Hoping it will all be over by Xmas... wait, where have I heard THAT before!?!?

  2. "Over by Xmas"... uh huh :laugh:

    But seriously, Good luck.
    Also, the crow game sounds fun and the crow meeples look good.
    Yay for 5 Parsecs, too. I do want to do more of it myself.

    1. Yeah... it's starting to FEEL like something that may finish SOME day... Amanda seems certain that it will all be done in two weeks. I am not so certain. Even IF the renovations are done by the end of the month... it's still going to take months to get everything moved back down there and sorted out and re-arranged and (in some cases) PURGED (because we have too much STUFF!) before the house feels settled and ready for living in again...
