Saturday, February 28, 2015

What Have We Here...?

On Thursday this week this great big box arrived...

Yeah, that's the Reaper Miniatures Bones 2 Kickstarter...

It actually arrived just as we were getting ready to head out to violin lesson. Never was it harder to force ourselves to go out to our violin lesson!

We spent a couple hours sorting them out Thursday evening.

We left the boy sorting them while I took The Girl to her Tap Dance Class. She didn't even want to go. She's NEVER not wanted to go to Tap... She's gotten weepy and pouty on the rare occasion that I wasn't able to get her to Tap.... THAT's how excited everyone - including The Girl - was about the arrival of all these goodies.

After we got home we got them all sorted out and figured out who gets what (and thus who's painting them!)

Our respective collections (mine is in the middle - we really did get in on this so I'd have relatively inexpensive stuff for the kids to paint while they're still learning to paint). Io picked one or two things I was actually interested in, and then got what no one else could be talked into taking... The Boy's collection looks a bit bigger than The Girl's, but that's because he picked more large beastly-monster type things.


  1. Two lucky kids and a lucky father. Now we want to see paint on those toys :-)
    I'm hoping my box comes next week. I mean my daughters box, she'll get the mouses. I had to take the rest...

    1. We started assembling and basing some yesterday - and hope to do some more tonight - hopefully finished products will start rolling off the workbench next week!

      That is too funny about the mice - my daughter insisted she get ALL the mice - she wouldn't even let me have ONE!? Ah well... they were technically all "for the kids" - I guess if I REALLY NEED that mouse I'll be able to go buy my own soon enough!!

    2. Got the box on Monday and did unboxing with daughter. She'll have to wait for the mice, though. They will be a birthday present in a couple of weeks time.

    3. Perfect! My kids didn't have to wait for anything because this was, in theory, supposed to have been their Xmas gift (as it was originally supposed to have shipped in November!) and they've waited long enough!

  2. Mine arrived yesterday too! I am so excited to get painting this.

    1. I've just spent a few hours assembling some of the bigger bits - dragons, etc - for the kids and I have to say - assembling big plastic things is Waaaaaaaaay easier than assembling large metal things.

      Have fun with it - i look forward to seeing some of the results on your blog!

  3. I also arrived home to find my box sitting on the floor. Not nearly the size of the box you received, I think I had 3 add-ons on top of the core kickstarter.

    1. We got the Core set, the first two big expansions and a few odd other things...

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, it should keep The Girl busy for a few weeks and the boy busy for a few years...

  5. Nice to see a whole family enjoying gaming and painting :-)

    1. Thanks! I'm excited to see what warbands the come with from this mess!

  6. I am very envious as I didnt do the kickstarter this time round - the postage would have taken the fun out of it! However, not much beats a kickstarter box turning up!!

    1. It was sort of like Xmas all over again!
