Friday, December 31, 2021

December Games - Part The Third

We played a LOT of games in the first two weeks of December. Even more in the Third Week of December. Here's what we got up to for the last week... 

We played games on more days that we didn't! Yay! 

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Christmas Day

It was a pretty low-key day. We'd already opened the few presents earlier in the week on the solstice. We slept in. I spent the afternoon painting miniatures and going for a bike ride. After that we played a few quick games of Codenames: Pictures while waiting for supper. 

Round One, I was partnered with Amanda and Keiran was partnered with Finnegan. Keiran and I were teh Spy Masters. They won, because Amanda accidentally selected the assassin... 

Round Two were the same teams, but Finnegan and Amanda were the Spy Masters. This time Amanda and I won... 

For Round Three we switched up the pairings - I was partnered with Finnegan and Keiran with Amanda. Amanda and Finnegan remained Spy Masters.  Finnegan and I won this one. 

For Round Four, we had the same teams, but Keiran and I were the Spy Masters. Amanda and Keiran won. Amanda and Keiran won. 

Originally we'd planned to play one of the Railways of the World on this day. It had been Keiran's suggestion... but then they bailed on the day. 

Everyone indulged me to play these four quick games, just so I could add Codenames: Pictures to the 10x10 challenge list.... it seemed kind of "cheap and easy"... but we played a LOT of games this year. and some of those other games on the 10x10 list were played a LOT MORE than ten times... so I substituted this one in as I thought it unlikely I was going to finish up a few more games of... whatever else I'd been thinking were going to go on that list...? Necromunda...? 

There had been plans to play games on Sunday... but everyone was feeling a little tired and maybe starting to feel a little "gamed out".

Monday, 27 December 2021

The games did resume on Monday though... 

Finnegan and I played a quick game of Kill Team, Monday evening. 

A full report and way more pictures can be found in the After Action Report, here:

Kill Team: Relic Recovered

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Our friend Kurtis came over to play a few games Wednesday evening. 

We started off with Marrying Mr. Darcy. I forget to take a pic during the game.... so all you get is the box... 

Kurtis played Charlotte Lucas, I played Georgiana Darcy, and Amanda played Mary Bennet. Charlotte eloped with my brother Mr. Darcy early in the game and ended up winning with 22 points. I managed to land Mr. Denny - I just didn't have enough Reputation to tempt Colonel Fitzwilliam - I totally COULD have married Mr. Wickham... but that just seemed WRONG... It would have meant two more points... but I... I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Poor Mary put all her hopes into Mr. Collins, who passed her by and she ended up and Old Maid and a companion to a mean old lady... 

Afterwards we played a game of Wingspan. 

Amanda and Kurtis tied at 96 - but Amanda had more food leftover, so she took the win. 

I was only two points behind at 94. 

It always amazes me how we all end up SO CLOSE in points - despite going about it all in very different ways and scoring wildly different amounts of points in different categories!? 

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Despite it being rather chilly out this day... 

Yeah... that says -47°C windchill.... 

I got out to the Dragon's Den on the last day of their Boxing Week Sale. 

I think this is the smallest Boxing Day/Week haul EVER from the Dragon's Den. 

The Mutant Crawl Classics was the only impulse buy - and it's for Finnegan's Birthday (next week! I'd never even heard of it, but I know he is a HUGE fan of Dungeon Crawl Classics - having run a few campaigns and a few more one-shot adventures. The rest was just general hobby supplies I needed and figures I might as well grab them while it was 20% off. Wasn't really even TEMPTED to buy anything else... 

Okay... I was BRIEFLY tempted to pick up the new Twilight: 2000 box from Free League... but it was a bit much for a game I doubt I'd ever get around to actually playing. The first edition was one of my favourite - and most played games - of my high school years... I STILL HAVE a pile of stuff for that, which I could totally use (though I'd use a different system - Savage Worlds... or FATE...?) 

I also got in my tenth game of the new Kill Team - running Amanda through her first game with the old Crimson Wave Wych Kult

Full Report and loads of pictures of that action can be found here:

Kill Team - Drukhari Ambush

Friday, 31 December 2021

New year's eve... Kids didn't seem intersted in a game when I talked with them the night before, so Amanda and i set up a game and started before they even got up. At 1pm. Because Teenagers. 

We played one last game of Terraforming Mars on Hellas with Prelude

Amanda played Cheung Shing Mars with Mining Operations and Ecological Experts. Took Energizer Milestone and Cultivator and Contractor Awards.. Just crushed it - ending the game with 120 points. 

I played Saturn Systems with Aquifer Turbines and Polar Industries. Took Diversifier and Rim Settler milestones... I ended with 100 points. 

This evening we're planning to watch Cobra Kai Season 

And that wraps up December and 2021, I guess.... 

Thanks for popping in, I hope you all have a fabulous, healthy and game-filled new year! 

Next I'll be posting a little Look Back at 2021 - I'll let you know there how the 10x10 Challenge worked out.

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