Friday, December 31, 2021

Looking Back at 2021

Wow... where did THIS year go!? It seemed like it was going on for-EVER and now it feels like it never even happened!? 2021!? SERIOUSLY?! It feels like we just got through the 24th month of 2020... 

Still... my calendar says the year happened and now it's pretty much over. 

So... what did we do...?


As with the last two years, I developed Quarterly plans - which seems to work much better that the yearly plans I tried to do in the past. 

You can see them here:

Game Plan 2021 - Q1

Game Plan 2021 - Q2

Game Plan 2021 - Q3

Game Plan 2021 - Q4

Rethinking that plan...  (for Q4)


We played a lot of games this year. 

By "we" I mostly mean me and Amanda. I did get Finnegan playing a few miniature games with me. He actually got excited enough about 40K and Kill Team that he bought the Chalnath boxed set! I even got Keiran playing a few games, here and there, after a bit of a hiatus. 

The most played games were two new (to us) games - Warhammer Underworlds and Wingspan. 

I tried, with each Quarterly plan, to do a 5x5 Challenge - pick five games and play them five times within the quarter... Success was... variable... and the challenges remained... Fluid? I would change which games I would play part way through the Quarter - or I would simply declare retroactive challenge changes... 

By the Fourth Quarter I realized there were more than a few games that I had either already played ten or more times and enough others that were... well... close enough, that I considered a 10x10 challenge. That, too, was amended, MULTIPLE TIMES in the last three months...

10x10 Challenge

The ten games I played ten (or MORE!) times... 

  1. Wingspan x31
  2. Kingdom Builder x17
  3. Retro Loonacy x12
  4. Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm x12
  5. Azul x12
  6. Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World x12
  7. Terraforming Mars x11
  8. Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault x10
  9. Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team x10
  10. Codenames: Pictures x10

Technically Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm and Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault are the SAME GAME... just... different settings... (as are Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave, and Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep). Unlike a lot of other games, there isn't a CORE GAME to which all expansions are added, each year a completely new core game is published and the older ones go out of print. Though they CAN all be mixed and matched I've kept the boards from the different settings separate and logged the games set in Shadespire as Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault plays (because it was the first box I got for that setting) and games I play set in Beastgrave I log as Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm, for the exact same reason. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this going forward... I might continue to do the same... adding Harrowdeep as a third setting...? OR, I could just log all games as Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep for the next year, as it is the CURRENT set...? We shall see. I have them as two separate games here as I played it enough that I could... 

Codenames: Pictures and Retro Loonacy were easy "gimmes"... I would have liked two more miniature games or at least some more substantial board or card games to grace this list... but we played a LOT of Wingspan this year... Like, a LOT... I could have taken up three spots on it's own on this list... So that, at least, makes me feel a little less bad about including a couple of simple games, that can be played in minutes, on the list. 

I played a lot of other games as well... 


  • Kingdomino x7
  • Necromunda x6
  • The Castles of Burgundy x5
  • London x5
  • The Arrival x4
  • Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains x4
  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Third Edition) x4
  • Abyss x3
  • Carcassonne x3
  • Century: Golem Edition x3
  • Savage Worlds x3
  • HârnMaster (3rd Edition) x3
  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound x3
  • Fate x3
  • Marrying Mr. Darcy x2
  • The Silver Bayonet x2
  • Splendor x2
  • 7 Wonders Duel x1
  • Dominion x1
  • Dragon Rampant: Fantasy Wargaming Rules x1
  • Habitat x1
  • The Hanging Gardens x1
  • Just Desserts x1
  • Lords of Waterdeep  x1
  • O Zoo le Mio x1
  • Patchwork x1
  • Sidereal Confluence x1
  • Viticulture Essential Edition x1
  • Warhammer 40,000 (Ninth Edition) x1
  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry x1


That's a lot of games... Can't complain... 


Going into the year, I had NOT been painting ANY miniatures for almost five months... part of this was due to chaos of renovations (that are STILL not complete) and general malaise (largely due to the state of things in world...) 

I DID get painting again... and here is what I painted.... Though not nearly as much as previous years. Not even as much as in 2020 - where I didn't paint for half the year!? But it was something, and something is not nothing!

In the end I managed to paint 231 28mm Foot figures and a handful of little terrain bits. 

I did try to keep acquisitions down, again, this year. I already own more than I'll likely ever get around to painting, and, honestly, I'm running out of room to store the stuff! 

I acquired 328 foot, 37 mounted, and 78 terrain bits... that breaks down to: 

137 Warhammer underworlds - wow... all those little warbands add up! 

64 Cursed city - 60 that came in the box and four more to use with. 

58 x assorted Astra Militarum in a Big Used Imperial Guard Lot that I couldn't pass up!? Without this, I'd have been almost at 250 - the lowest in decades. Of course I could have said the same if I'd just not bought Cursed City.... 

37x 40K models for Kill Team - mostly the plastic from the two boxes (Octarius and Chalnath) 

20x Napoleonic Monster Hunters

and I think the rest were a few, assorted, fun things that showed up with the Reaper Bones

The 37 mounted were all for a Slaves to Darkness force for Age of Sigmar that I planned, but haven't even started, really... I've assembled a few and one is ALMOST painted... 

Few tanks and such from Big Used Imperial Guard Lot.

PILE of terrain bits - between two Kill Team boxes, two Warhammer Underworlds terrain sets, and a bunch of Reaper Bones V Kickstarter stuff that finally arrived.


28mm Foot


Q1 Total 28mm Foot: 76


Q2 Total 28mm Foot: 28


Q3 total: 59

Q4 Total: 68 

Total 28mm Foot: 231


Little Bits/Markers


(or otherwise acquired - gifts, trades, etc.)

28mm Foot


  • 7x Grymwatch (Warhammer Underworlds Crypt Ghoul Warband) 
  • 6x Grashrak’s Ravagers (from Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave) 
  • 5x Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (from Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave) 
  • 4x Myari's Purifiers (from Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm) 
  • 4x Dread Pageant (from Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm) 
  • 8x Khorne Reavers (Garrek's Reavers x2) 
  • 15x Stormcast Eternals (mostly from Warhammer Underworlds Warbands) 
  • 1x Gryphhound
  • 4x Khagra's Ravagers (Warhammer Underworlds Chaos Warband) 
  • 4x Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees (Lady Harrow's Mournflight) 
  • 5x Thundrik's Profiteers (Warhammer Underworlds Duardin Warband) 
  • 4x Ylthari's Guardians (Warhammer Underworlds Sylvaneth Warband) 
  • 4x Mathias variants (Hasslefree)
  • 7x Thorns of the Briar Queen (Nightvault) 
  • 3x Morgok's Krushas
Q1 Total: 81


  • 60x Warhammer Quest: Cursed City models
  • 4x Battle Mages
  • 1x Herald of Slaanesh
  • 4x Crimson Court
  • 3x Wurmspat
  • 6x Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
  • 5x Elathain's Soulraid
  • 10x Daemonettes of Slaanesh 
Q2 Total: 93

  • 7x Yokai (Reaper Bones) 
  • 4x Glaivewraith Stalkers (Warhammer Underworlds Starter)
  • 4x Castigors + Gryphound (Warhammer Underworlds Starter)
  • 7x Sepulchral guard
  • 4x Magore's Fiends
  • 3x MORE Steelhearts Champions
  • 3x MORE Garrek's Reavers
  • 4x Ironskull's Boyz
  • 4x Mollog's Mob
  • 10x Death Korps of Krieg (Kill Team: Octarius) 
  • 12x Space Ork Kommandos (Kill Team: Octarius) 
  • 5x Tempestus Scions - BIG USED GUARD LOT
  • 45x Assorted Imperial Guard infantry - BIG USED GUARD LOT
  • 8x Heavy Weapon Crews - BIG USED GUARD LOT

Q3 Total: 120


  • 4x Xandire's Truthseekers (Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep)
  • 5x Da Kunnin' Krew (Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep)
  • 10x Adepta Sororita Novitiates (Chalnath) 
  • 5x Space Marine Scouted (metal, used, ebay) 
  • 20x Assorted Napoleonic Monster Hunters
Q4 Total: 34

Total 28mm Foot: 328

28mm Mounted

  • 1x Chaos Lord on Daemonic Steed
  • 1x Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Daemonic Steed
  • 5x Seekers
  • 20x Chaos Marauder Horsemen
  • 10x Chaos Knights 
Total 28mm Mounted: 37

28mm Artillery

4x Weapon Platforms - Q3 - BIG USED GUARD LOT

28mm Big Beasties/Vehicles

  • Yogsothoth - Q3
  • 3x Leman Russ Tank- BIG USED GUARD LOT
  • 1x Manticore Self-Propelled Multiple-Missile Launcher- BIG USED GUARD LOT
  • 1x Valkyrie Assault Carrier - BIG USED GUARD LOT

Small Terrain Pieces

  • 11x Campground bits
  • 4x Walls of Stone
  • 4x Walls of Thorns
  • 6x Japanese Shrines
  • 3x Dock Bits
  • 4x Crates
  • 3x Barrel Stacks
  • 5x Larger Brinewind Bits (boats, etc) 
  • 17x Assorted Ork Scrap Fort Bitz (Kill Team: Octarius) 
  • 7x Ruined Basilica (Chalnath) 
  • 6x Beastgrave Primal Lair
  • 8x Nightvault Arcane Hazards
Total Small Terrain Pieces: 78

Welp, that's about it for this year's look back. On with 2022! 

(in case you missed it, I already posted my Q1 plans for the new year!) 


  1. That's a lot of games! Happy new year!

    1. Thanks, Alastair! Happy New Year to you too!

  2. WOW Tim, even with your hiatus you've still managed a stellar amount of figures painted compared to many (yes I am looking at myself here). Wishing you & your family all the best this New Year, which will start by getting out of this brutal cold snap we've been in since Christmas Eve!
