Sunday, December 19, 2021

Fifteen Years

Fifteen years ago, today, I started this blog. When I made this realization, last week, I thought maybe I'd do a retrospective post - going over all the different things i've been doing over the years... but as I started going through the posts and correlating that with games logged on Board Game Geek... it suddenly felt like a bit much... Maybe for TWENTY! Besides, it's all RIGHT HERE on the blog!? Feel free to sift through 15 years of posts. 

Also, I recently catalogued the last Seventeen Annual Wargaming Birthday Bashes, and that should give you a general idea of what I was doing over those years. At the end of most Decembers (or beginnings of Januarys) there is usually a "Looking Back at...." post that summarized what I got up to the previous year. 

On with the new things! 

There should be lots of gaming going on over the next two weeks as the kids and Amanda are all off work/school. Some of those might even be MINIATURE WARGAMES!? 


  1. Congratulations on your 15th Blogaversary! Here’s to the 20th ...

  2. 15 years of diligence in posting and quality content is an accomplishment, congrats and happy anniversary Tim!

  3. Congratulations! 15 years is a heck of a long time, particularly at the posting level that you keep up!

    Your blogging is much appreciated.

  4. Great job for sticking to this for 15 years!
