Friday, December 17, 2021

The Silver Bayonet - French (ELF!?) Unit

As with the Russians I posted yesterday, these Napoleonic French(-ish) Elves are from a Deadloque starter box I pickedup somewhere over a decade ago. Two of these I painted just over TEN YEARS AGO!? (Though I've rebased and touched them up!).

Also, just like the Russians, my plan is to use them in The Silver Bayonet. 

I'll admit, I don't know a tonne about Napoleonic French armies and don't know what some of these are supposed to be, exactly (assuming these FANTASY ELVES are in a direct copy of of an actual Historical French uniform!?). I guess as a ragtag group of survivors, they could have picked up bits of uniforms from others along the way, as needed... 

The whole unit. 

The Box came with a booklet that had names for them all and probably explained who they all were. There is currently still a listing for these as a separate pack on Alternative Armies website (though it currently says "out of stock") - The page does list their names, but does not indicate which is which... So I've just made up my own names... 

Lieutenant Etienne Delarue - formerly a commander of a troop of Lancers, now leads this rag-tag group of Monster Hunters. He has a Musket and Cartridge box (tucked away in his riding cloak. I'm not sure what to classify the Lance as? Heavy Weapon? Might just not and say it's just there for show... Have not selected stats or additional equipment for him yet. 

(I just noticed I may have gotten the white and red of the flag on the lance mixed up... GAH!? May just leave it...) 

Soldats Luc Deschamps and Guy Lambert- two Imperial Guardsmen with Musket, bayonet and cartridge box - with both Cold Iron and Silver Shot! 

Sergeant Jean-Louis Babineaux, Laurent Lafleur, and Docteur Henri Dubois 

Sergeant Jean-Louis Babineaux I think ... is supposed to be an officer, but I'm going to call him a sergeant from an Imperial Guard Regiment (a different one from ... and ...) and classify him as a Junior Officer. He is armed with Musket, Bayonet, and Cartridge box with both Cold Iron an Silver Shot. 

Laurent Lafleur is a dismounted Hussar that I'll classify as a Swordsman (I know, French aren't supposed to have Swordsman... but that's what I'm calling him) with Fencing Weapon (inlaid with silver) and Pistol. 

Finally, Docteur Henri Dubois is a medical doctor armed with a hand weapon and pistol and detailed medical knowledge. The handweapon is actually just a brutally sharp silver scalpel. 

Again I thought I'd include a little size comparison... From Left to Right: Hät, Alternative Armies, Renegade Miniatures,  Alternative Armies, Perry Miniatures, Alternative Armies, Hät. I do have some other French, that I probably would have liked to include in this line-up... but none of them are painted... 

I'm usually not that fussy about different sizes of models being on the table - especially if they're in different units. I'm less excited about using minitures with HUGE differences within the same units. I likely won't be bolstering these with any of the Hät minis! 

My order from Minifigs/Matchlock Miniatures arrived and they are wonderful. The ones that showed up. It's missing one of the minis I ordered. Those that arrived are already prepped and primed and on the workbench! I also just loaded Pride and prejudice onto my ipod to listen to while painting them. 

Today is the kids' last day of school! I think we still have dance classes this weekend, but aafter that - nothing much on the schedule - so hopefully these guys will be hitting the tables SOON! 


  1. Great stuff!

    They do look like a different scale (32mm or even 40mm, maybe), rather than 28mm.

    1. Kind of, yeah! But I still like them.


  2. Lovely looking chunky bunch of French survivors!
    Best Iain

  3. Just consider it all the extra clothing they've piled on to survive the chill. Nicely done Tim. Like you, I have no real clue as to what uniforms go with what & will be checking google for inspiration.

  4. Glad to hear those P&P guys showed up! They are awesome, aren't they? Except for the one that was missing! Which one was that? How do you find the scale between them and the Flintloque minis?

    1. It was Mary Shelley! :(

      The scale is pretty close. The Flintloque stuff is pretty CHUNKY though - height wise pretty close but some details on the Flintoloque stuff is pretty damned big... I'll definitely post some comparison pics when I get them done - which should be SOON! Because I am very excited about them!

    2. I was thinking of reassigning the identities of some of the models. Mr Darcy and Mr Collins are very clearly based on the equivalent characters from the 1995 BBC TV series, but the others could really be anybody. I was going to make both 'Mary Shelley' and 'Jane Austen' into two of the five Bennet sisters, and also rebrand 'Mrs Bennet' as one of her daughters. 'Mr Price' is from Mansfield Park, but the model seems too young looking to be that character from the novel, so again thinking of changing him into a minor P&P male character, such as Mr Denny.

    3. Cool idea! I haven't yet decided if Im going to use them as characters from novels or just use them as generic armed civilians and make up my own characters/backgrounds. I borrowed audiobooks of Pride and Prejudice and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies to listen to while painting. Perhaps they will inspire some sort of decision, one way or the other!

    4. I'm guessing the guy with the lance is meant to be Polish.

      As far as the Civilians go, paint them as P&P characters. That way, you can drag them out when you are playing Marrying Mr Darcy as solid representations of them.

    5. Well... maybe with the Zombie Expansion!
