Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Painting Again!

 With both kids suggesting they'd like to play some 40K/Kill Team this summer, I am painting again! 

Starting with some T'au - hoping to get a Kill Team or two ready and finish building it up to a Patrol Detachment. 

Keiran already has loads of Harlequins... 

I have no shortage of Kill Teams available. 

The plan is to run a little narrative campaign for their respective Kill Teams - Me, being like a Game Master in a role-playing game, will come up with scenarios and opponents. Somehow I'll have to weave it together that the two of them are after some similar goals and keep bumping into each other, from time to time. Maybe even have a few games of 40K where they end up on the same side fighting a greater opponent - each of them fielding a Patrol Detachment in an Incursion Level game...?

We shall see... 


  1. Tau! That reminds me of those Pathfinders I did for your Armageddon weekend. They are some of my favourite figures.

    1. You'll need to send me some pics sometime!

      Or better yet, if ever you're visiting, bring them along and try them out in the new Kill Team!

    2. (Amanda played T'au in that Shadow War: Armageddon Weekend... I don't recall them doing very well...)

  2. I believe it, they feel underpowered compared to the other factions.

  3. That sounds great. I'm looking forward to a battle report. I like the basic color of the Tau. Cheers, Karl

    1. Thanks Karl!
      (don't hold your breath in anticipation, though... we were supposed to start playing on Monday, and that didn't happen, so... I think both kids like the IDEA of playing games, but are now realizing they don't have nearly as much free time as they imagined having this summer - with all their own projects and commitments...)

  4. Purple tau! Very cool, and nice to see you back at it. Is that a commander in a suit I see just off screen to the right?

    I am juuuuuust a few steps away from "finishing" my Eldar, so maybe I will get something finished this summer. Or maybe just watch tv with the fan on, we will see.

    1. It is a commander! I finished them a while back...

      Work on this was short-lived. It's been SO HOT here the last week or so, it's been hard to stay motivated and focused and everyone just wants to sit and watch TV...

    2. Yeah, it has been over 38 degrees here every day, so I certainly know how that is... however since it is also so dry, we usually drop under 19 at night, which is a relief.

  5. Good start on your Tau, nice to see you back, can't say I'm doing any painting at the moment too hot here, at least you have ready painted armies, my daughter keeps threatening to give me a game while she's back from college but I'll believe it when I see it!
    Best Iain
