Brent came over on Friday to try out Bolt Action so I set up a smaller game - only 500 points on a side - involving a patrol of Japanese and a patrol of Chindits and Gurkhas bumping into each other in the Jungles of Burma while out trying to establish the location of the enemy they knew to be in the area, but didn't know exactly where!
We played the game on a 30"x44" - a little less than half the suggested size - but otherwise played a pretty standard Battle Scenario with Seek and Destroy objective, Quarters Deployment Zones and Meeting Engagement Deployment Type
The Forces
Chindit Rifle Platoon
Chindit Platoon Command - 39 points (Veteran) + 2 Men @13 = 65
Chindits Section NCO + 4 men 70 points (Veteran), +4 Men @14, + LMG @15 = 141
Chindits Section NCO + 4 men 70 points (Veteran), +4 Men @14, + LMG @15, + SMG @4 = 145
Gurkha Section NCO + 4 men 75 points (Veteran), +3 Men @15, + LMG @15 = 135
Total: 486 points
JAPAN - 500 points
Rifle Platoon
Platoon Commander - 1st Lieutenant - 39pts (Regular) + 2 extra men @13pts = 65 pts
Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular) + 5 additional men @10pts, + light machine gun @15 = 115 pts
Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular) + 5 additional men @10pts, + light machine gun @15 = 115 pts
Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 65pts (Veteran) + 5 additional men @13pts, + light machine gun @15, + submachine gun @4pts = 149 pts
Light Mortar Team 30pts (Regular)
Medic 23pts (Regular)
Total: 497pts
All set up and ready to go!
I was playing the Japanese and Brent played the Chindits and Gurkhas.
I had the first unit arrive and brought on my veteran jungle fighters
Brent brought on a Chindit Section and they immediately started firing on the Japanese!
I brought on a second squad, but i kept out of sight and unable to fire or be fired on...
So my veteran troops took a beating as all three Squad entered the table and started bringing fire on them!
Gurkhas arrive...
Second Chindit Section arrive and starts firing
Medic arrived a little to lade and apparently forgot all his bandaged and stuff back at their bivouac!
Four down! almost at half strength!?
Japanese squad on the Chindits flank creeps forward and starts firing upon them.
The fire from three enemy squads is telling on the Japanese Jungle Fighters!
The first Chindit squad was taking it pretty hard as well, as they were in pretty much the same position... being fired on by three Japanese squads that had no other viable targets!
Second Chindit Squad Firing on the Japanese Jungle Fighters.
Now down to just three and oh, so PINNED!
The overall situation Japanese at the bottom of the picture, blazing away at the Chindits in the jungle opposite them!
Gurkhas still moving up.
And... I somehow managed to NOT take ANY pictures of the ONE Japanese Close Assault!? This is just the aftermath. Four surviving Japanese soldiers retreat into the jungle near of of their other squads?!
With the retreating squad in the way, the other squad would now have to maneuver around them!
Jungle Fighters stayed DOWN for two rounds to clear all the pin markers!
The nearby light mortar team kept firing away the whole game... only hitting once and causing ONE pin marker?!
SEcond Chindit Squad advacing onto the position of the first squad, presumably to check and see if any survivors could be found... also to push through the position and assault the remaining Japanese!
the Japanese fell back, firing...
Gurkhas close assault the Japanese Jungle Fighters and wipe them out - losing only one of their own!
The following turn (Turn SEven!) the Gurkhas assault the Light Mortar Team!
And that was pretty much the game.
I guess at this point both sides were running low on ammo and had taken significant casualties and decided it was time to gather those. up and fall back to their respecetive bases and report their action!
Brent scored two victory points in the last turn putting himself in the lead 2-1. Generally in these missions the Victory Conditions suggest that winning by two Victory points is enough to establish a solid victory... I'm not sure that would be possible with so few units on the table.
Both side lost a full squad wiped out. The Japanese lost a light mortar team.
Of the other squads, one of the Japanese squads had only three or four left at the end of the game (the one that had assaulted and wiped out a Chindit Squad). The other was in not bad shape, with nine or ten remaining.
The Chindits were in pretty much the same boat. One squad was wiped out, the other was in rough shape - from the fire of multiple squads being concentrated upon it. The Gurkhas were doing pretty okay - having only lost one or two in their close assaults.
It was a pretty tight game and kind of came down to me leaving a light Mortar team exposed on the flank...
I like the game. It was relatively short and quick and allowed me to concentrate/focus on remembering the basics of infantry small army combat - and basic close assault rules... Would not mind playing a few more small games like this - without tanks and off-table support...
Kind of makes me want to switch focus and finish up the Marine Raiders!!
Great looking training game, smart move to play it without too much chrome!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
Thanks, Iain!