Monday, March 24, 2025

WW2 - USMC Raiders

 The little battle in Burma against the Japanese inspired my to push through and finish up the last of the raiders I currently have... 

All the new raiders! This includes the box of Merril's Marauders and the USMC Support Group - both from Warlord Games. 

Merril's Marauders - again, as with the previous Raider Squad box, included MORE Thompson submachine-guns than are technically allowed in a USMC squad... and there is so separate listing for Raider Squads!?

In the Empires in Flames book for 2nd(?) edition, there is a listing for Marine raiders that DOES allow the NCO + 3 others to be armed with a submachine-gun, so.... maybe in the Armies of the United States coming out later this year...? But do I want to spend $50 just to know yeah, Raiders can take four instead of three...!? 


Here's what the force (so far!) will look like in Bolt Action. 


Rifle Platoon

Platoon commander 39 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @13 = 65 pts

Forward Observer 90 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @11 = 112 pts

Medic 30 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @11 = 52 pts

Marine Squad 1 NCO and 6 men 91pts (veteran) + 2 men @13, + 3 SMG @4, + 3 BAR @6, + 9 Stubborn @1 = 156 

Marine Squad 1 NCO and 6 men 91pts (veteran) + 2 men @13, + 3 SMG @4, + 2 BAR @6, + 1 Shotguns @3, + 9 Stubborn @1 = 153 

Marine Squad 1 NCO and 6 men 91pts (veteran) + 2 men @13, + 3 SMG @4, + 2 BAR @6, + 9 Stubborn @1 = 150

Weapons Platoon

Platoon commander 39 pts (Veteran) + 2 men @13 = 65

Medium Machine-Gun Team 65 pts (Veteran) = 65

Medium Mortar Team 56 pts (Veteran) = 56

Total: 874

I’d need to add 126 points worth of stuff to make a 1000 point force… 

I’d need another 376 points to to make it a 1250 point force!? 

If I had limitless time and resources, I’d probably can the Weapons Platoon and add a SECOND Platoon of Raiders… But that’s not about to happen any time soon!

Warlord does have a USMC Weapons Teams box that includes a Sniper Team and a Bazooka team… (the box also includes a Flame-Thrower team… but as far as I can tell, I’d need to have an ENGINEERING PLATOON to field any of those!?) a veteran Sniper Team and Bazooka Team would add 145 points… 

I guess I could (should?) also consider adding anti-tank grenades to one or more squads and making them TANK HUNTERS, that could eat up some points. 

I have a Gallery Page for the USMC Raiders, where you can see MORE pictures of the individual squads and elements of the force:

WW2 - USMC Raiders (PTO) 


  1. Good looking.marine force! How may bolt action armies do you actually have?
    Best Iain

    1. Ummmmm... alot...? I've been meaning to take stock of them all and create new galleries, but I've only gotten through a few so far...

      Canadians - two platoons of infantry, assorted support weapons, Platoon of 3x Sherman V + 1x ShermanVC

      British/Canadian Paratroopers - two platoons of infantry, assorted support weapons

      British Commando Force (NWE) - not sure if it's a full 1000 points on it's own...?

      Chindits and Gurkhas for Burma - small platoon (Command + two squads) of each.

      British/Commonwealth 8th Army in North Africa - understrength platoon of Aussies, a few guns, a pile of tanks on the way!

      British Special Forces in North Africa- a mix of Commandoes and LRDG and SAS - not sure how to organize them into a Bolt Action force... but I'm sure there's enough there!

      Japanese - one very large platoon (or two understrength platoons) of infantry. one tank, MG, and 2 mortars

      1940 France - full infantry platoon plus heavy weapons and artillery and a tank

      French Foreign Legionnaires for North Africa - not a full sized Bolt Action force yet... this is one I'd like to work on later this year, if I'm still playing... could easily use supports from other forces in the desert...

      Italians for North Africa - full infantry platoon plus a mess of other infantry and a weapons and artillery platoon and a bunch of armour.

      Early War Germans (1939-1942-ish) Platoon + support weapons, a few tanks (3x Panzer 38t)

      Later War Germans (NWE) Platoon + support

      Later War German SS almost two full platoons of panzer grenadiers and a bunch of armour (tiger, 2x panther, 2x Panzer IV)

      Afrika Korps - platoon + some support + some armour I'm still working on...

      Fallschirmjäger - A platoon and some supports.. this needs to be painted and a few more things for it to be a 1000-1250 point force.

      Other assorted weird German stuff... Gebirgsjäger... u-bout crew... etc...

      just SO MANY RUSSIANS.... I have a FULL COMPANY of regular Soviet infantry... a platoon of Soviet Naval Infantry... large sections/small platoons of Scouts and NKVD... loads of support weapons and guns... a full platoon of five T-34/76... an assortment of earlier war tanks and vehicles (KV-1, KV-2, BT-7, T-26, BA-64 Armoured car), and other assorted stuff...

      An assortment of American regular army and paratroopers and First Special Service force that I could probably cobble together into... something...

      These Marine Raiders for the Pacific Theatres of Operations...

      As much as I'd like to start a few more (Poles, Chinese, etc...) I'd told myself NO MORE NEW ARMIES for World War Two!! I need to finish painting the ones I have... and MAYBE add a few more things to make them more playable in Bolt Action (Third Edition).

      you can find a lot of them here:

    2. Gosh I knew you had a lot, but not that many!
      Best Iain

    3. Seriously, when Finnegan was diagnosed with ADHD, I started looking into it to figure out how I could better support him, because I didn't REALLY know what it was all about (other than popular media depictions from the 90s that suggested it was all due to bad parenting and too much sugar and/or television/video games!?)... and had a OH FUCK moment... and when I went to suggest to Amanda I thought I might have ADHD and went through all the diagnostic criteria... when I got to LACK OF IMPULSE CONTROL, she was like, You don't have THAT... and I just started listing ALL THE MINIATURES i had squirrelled away in the basement - along with the numbers/percentages of painted versus not painted... at that point I think she said "yeah, maybe you should look into that..."
