Sunday, March 2, 2025

WW2 - Taking Stock of the Japanese!

Stepping away from the North African desert, for a moment, I thought I'd try and sort out what I have for Japanese and whether it would be useable in Bolt Action (Third Edition).

I have been using the Japanese, lately, in our Fourteen Men in the Solomons campaign. I recently added a Chi-Ha tank to the force, thinking it could be a considerable challenge for the men of First Platoon, Company J, 25th Regiment, 93rd Infantry Division to deal with! 

I have... some options... 

I somehow have a LOT of Light Machine-Gun Teams and Light Mortars and Officers!? I first wondered if there was a way I could incorporate ALL of those!? 

My initial thought was an understrength COMPANY of two wildly understrength platoons!? 

This would look like: 

Company Commander - 60 pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular)= +20 pts

Medic 23pts (Regular)

1st Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander - 1st Lieutenant - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular)= +20 pts

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
light machine gun for +15pts
= 65

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
light machine gun for +15pts
= 65

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
light machine gun for +15pts
= 65

Grenadier Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
2 additional men at +10pts each = +20
3x Light Mortars @20 = +60

Forward Observer - (artillery) 75pts (Regular)
Radio Operator +11pts per man (Regular) +22 

Suicide Anti-Tank 20 pts (Regular) 

2nd Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander - 2nd Lieutenant - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular)= +20 pts

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
light machine gun for +15pts
= 65

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
light machine gun for +15pts
= 65

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
5 additional men at +10pts each = +50
submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts

Grenadier Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
2 additional men at +10pts each = +20
3x Light Mortars @20 = +60

Forward Observer - (air force) 75pts (Regular)
Radio Operator +11pts per man (Regular) +22 

Suicide Anti-Tank 20 pts (Regular) 

Heavy Weapons Platoon

Platoon Commander (2nd Lieutenant) - 30pts (Regular)

Machine Gun Team  - 50pts (Regular) 

Mortar Team -  45pts (Regular) 

Armoured Platoon 

Chi-Ha Medium Tank (+Command vehicle) 145pts  (Regular)

Chi-Ha Medium Tank 135pts  (Regular)

Total:  1546pts!? 

Wow... that DOES add up to quite a bit! The Company Command and two Rifle Platoons on their own add up to over 1000 points. 

I do have a second mortar I could add to the heavy weapons platoon. With that addition and no tanks, I'd have 1203... but that leaves the force without much in the way of anti-armour capabilities - save for the suicide bombers... and.. I HAVE a tank, I'd like to USE it!? 

I'm not 100% sure I can even TAKE two forward observers...? From the pages on Warlord Communitys website explaining Force Composition, it looks like in a Rifle Platoon you can take 0-1 Forward Observers - I didn't see any mention of there being only one allowed per force.. but Orion seemed to think it was only one per force...?  

The next idea i had was... What if I didn't use ALL of those LMGs and Mortars and Officers and tried to just fill out something closer to a full-size rifle platoon, with what I have. 

This would look like: 

Company Commander - 60 pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular)= +20 pts

Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander - 1st Lieutenant - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular)= +20 pts

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
5 additional men at +10pts each = +50
light machine gun for +15pts
= 115

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
5 additional men at +10pts each = +50
light machine gun for +15pts

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
5 additional men at +10pts each = +50
submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts

Grenadier Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
5 additional men at +10pts each = +50
3x Light Mortars @20 = +60

Forward Observer - (air force or artillery) 75pts (Regular)
Radio Operator +11pts per man (Regular) =22

Light Mortar Team 30pts (Regular)

Suicide Anti-Tank 20 pts (Regular) 

Medic 23pts (Regular)

Heavy Weapons Platoon

Platoon Commander (2nd Lieutenant) - 30pts (Regular)

Machine Gun Team  - 50pts (Regular) 

Medium Mortar Team -  45pts (Regular) 

Medium Mortar Team -  45pts (Regular) 

Armoured Platoon 

Chi-Ha Medium Tank (+Command vehicle) 145pts  (Regular)

Chi-Ha Medium Tank 135pts  (Regular)

Total:  1259pts

Without the Armour, that comes to 979 points... 

That does leave a bunch of left-over machine-run teams and light mortars and a few officers and observers... But maybe that's okay... this second option has a force that's just shy of 1000 points and one that's just over 1250. The former maybe I could add a helper or two for the medic (change one of the suicide AT guys into a guy carrying satchels full of medical supplies?!) - which would bring it to 999. For the latter... drop a second guy from the Heavy Weapon Platoon Commander and that would bring it to 1249! 

I'm not 100% sure having FOUR light mortars and two medium mortars is the greatest idea... but it's what I have... The mortar I used in our first game wasn't particularly useful... 

Now all I need is that second Chi-Ha Medium Tank I have in the list!!

(I've also been taking stock of the German Fallschirmjägers... I'll probably be posting my plans for them as well soon!) 

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