Wednesday evening - our usual Warhammer Quest night we finished off The Captain of the Damned - the Decapitation Journey to permanently removed Watch Captain Halgrim! We played the first half of the Journey the evening before!
I was very concerned that this could go VERY BADLY - it was already AFTER nightfall by the time they arrived at Watch Captain Halgrim's lair... after nightfall seletons start rolling d12 for attacks, dealing 2/2 damage... and with Watch Captain Halgrim anywhere on the table (which he will be until destroyed!) that increases by +1/+2 - so three damage on a regular hit and FOUR damage on a critical hit!
With the Banner Bearer on the table, all skeletons of the Ulfenwatch re-roll any missed attacks!
As with PART ONE, Finnegan was playing Brutogg Corpse-Eater and Octren Glimscry. Amanda was playing Cleona Zietengale and Glaurio ven Alten III. Luckily, all were fully recovered to full strength and all had managed to get inspired during their rush through the city streets to escape the Suffocation Gravetide!
Cleona was the first out of the Dropzon and encountered a group of five Ulfenwatch - INCLUDING a sergeant and THE BANNER BEARER....
She did her ske-DOOOSH! thing...
And blew them ALL up!?
Glaurio raced past her and met Watch Captain Halgrim in the room with the first Phylactery! They both froze and stared each other down... then Glaurio began to taunt Halgrim, asking him "oh... what's this...?" giving the Phylactery a little shove... "is it something important..?" giving it another little shove... "it would be a shame if it..." then he shoved it off the plinth where it shattered on the cold hard ground.
Halgrim flinched..
Then Glaurio shot half his face off with one of his pistols!
Brutogg charged in and bashed on Halgrim pretty good!
In the distance they could hear another of his Phylacteries shatter!
Before Octren Glimscry could leave the landing zone, he and Cleona were assailed by the Ulfenwatch!
Other Ulfenwatch joined their captain!
Brutogg just pounded on Halgrim (and in the distance, the THIRD Phylactery shattered!!)
Cleona stepped away from her attackers...
ske-DOOOSH!! blew them up too!
Halgrim got in a pretty good blow on Brutogg with his magically charged Halberd... and as Brutogg was winding up to just finish off Halgrim....
- a sneaky Ulfenwatch Skelton snuck up behind him shanked him, bringing the Ogor low.....
By some INSANE luck, they rolled a 9 on the event table which allows the heroes to bring. back a fallen hero - oh, he still had all his wounds and could only use destiny dice unit some were recovered... but ALL the destiny dice were kept that round... and Brutogg has some incredible vigour (d13) and when he recovers vigour he has a special ability that allows him to put an activation die on the now empty space (at 1)
So the skeleton stabbed him and he stumbled and fell and for a moment Glaurio despaired and through this might be his end and the skeletons all rejoiced (as much as undead can rejoice...) and then the freaking Ogor got back up and SMASHED Watch Captain Halgrim into tiny little bits...
Then he and Glaurio finished off the last of Halgrims guards...
Octren found himslef in a bit of a spot of bother... and started taking some damage...
But Cleona came to his aid and Octren snorted som amethyst dust and put grave-sand droplets in his eyes and felt much better... then he started staring down skeletons with his deathly glare!
Brutogg started to make his way to the extraction point... but once again found himself surrounded by Ulfenwatch - who had heard the summons and came running from all over the city... alas, they were too late!
everyone heading for the Extraction Zone. Brutogg just smashing through ALL the skeletons...
Octren had one last Ulfenwatch to put down...
Then he lit the beackons in the Extraction Zone!
Glaurio cut down one more Ulfenwatch that came running up.
Then He and Cleona made it to the Extraction Zone!
Amanda started to do a little happy dance...
But reinforcements just kept arriving and swarming Brutogg!!
We were honestly worried he might just try killing them ALL!!
Eventually he used his Shoulder Barge ability to just bully his way through and made it to the Extraction Zone with the others!
And that was it - Decapitation Journey was a SUCCESS!!! Watch Captain Halgrim is no more... (and unfortunately, he's being written out in the new Soulblight Gravelords codex and won't be available for official play in Age of Sigmar anymore!)
Also the Extraction event was a positive one that would have reduced the influence... to a minimum of five... as it was already at four, it had no effect... but, better than having to start the next game with a wound or a disease token or after nightfall!!
Also with both Gorslav and Halgrim out of the way, the heroes can now start gaining experience from successful Journeys (INCLUDING THIS ONE!)
I guess I really, REALLY NEED to finish up Torgilius the Chamberlain now!!
Yay! Well done to the whole crew! Happy dance well-deserved. :D
ReplyDeleteYeah... I guess I have to finally paint Torgilius though...
DeleteWell, that went much better than I expected, Well done all!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
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DeleteHa-ha! RIGHT!? there were a few times when it looked like it could go south very quickly - when Brutogg was taken out of action... when Skeletons trapped Glimscry in the landing zone and dealt him a bunch of wounds... There was some luck involved in their success - rolling a 9 on the event table that brought Brutogg instantly back, getting lots of destiny dice when they REALLY NEEDED THEM!! Brutogg and Glimscry have such great viatality that, if give the chance, they can recover from their wounds very quickly... Which had saved them - and the journey they were on, so many times!! Thanks!